Abstract is missing.
- The methodology for the selection of ICT technologies for Smart GridsLukas Cepa, Zbynek Kocur, Jiri Vodrazka. 1-5 [doi]
- Secure and QoS-aware communications for smart home servicesMarkus Hager, Sebastian Schellenberg, Jochen Seitz, Sebastian Mann, Gunar Schorcht. 11-17 [doi]
- Hardware implementation of programmable cellular automata encryption algorithmPetre Anghelescu. 18-21 [doi]
- An optimized model for interference and traffic aware topology control in WSNsMehdi Fereydooni, Masoud Sabaei. 22-26 [doi]
- Delay-constraint load-aware topology control in wireless sensor networksGita Babazadeh Eslamlu, Masoud Sabaei, Mehdi Fereydooni. 27-31 [doi]
- An algorithm for central point estimation in WSNsJozef Kenyeres, Martin Kenyeres, Markus Rupp, Peter Farkas. 32-36 [doi]
- Packet loss analysis in wireless sensor networks routing protocolsCosmin Cirstea, Mihail Cernaianu, Aurel Gontean. 37-41 [doi]
- Application of M/G/1/K model for aggregated VoIP traffic packet loss estimationTibor Misuth, Ivan Baronak. 42-46 [doi]
- Providing security and energy efficiency in wireless ad-hoc sensor networks through Secure Cluster-Head Election (SEC-CH-E)Emiliano Garcia-Palacios, Noureddine Mehallegue, Ghazanfar Ali Safdar. 47-51 [doi]
- A survey on clustering algorithms for vehicular ad-hoc networksSamo Vodopivec, Janez Bester, Andrej Kos. 52-56 [doi]
- Location based data dissemination in mobile ad hoc networksAndras Kokuti, Vilmos Simon. 57-61 [doi]
- Simulation framework for adaptive overlay content cachingTheodore Zahariadis, Andreas Papadakis, Nikolaos P. Nikolaou. 62-66 [doi]
- Agent based patient scheduling systemDaniela Bordencea, Honoriu Valean, Silviu Folea, Ancuta Dobircau, Rares Banut. 72-76 [doi]
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- Computationally efficient E-model improvement of MOS estimate including jitter and buffer lossesMichal Halas, Adrian Kovac, Milos Orgon, Ivan Bestak. 86-90 [doi]
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- IQRF wireless technology utilizing IQMESH protocolPetra Seflova, Vladimir Sulc, Jiri Pos, Rostislav Spinar. 101-104 [doi]
- Protection of passive optical network by using ring topologyPavel Lafata. 105-110 [doi]
- Enhancement of information object management tool about Audio-video/ network status/ QoS content in OpenNetInfIustin-Alexandru Ivanciu, Flavius Stoicuta, Mihai Anghel, Andrei Bogdan Rus, Virgil Dobrota. 111-115 [doi]
- Simulations and measurements of packet network synchronization by precision time protocolMichal Pravda, Jiri Vodrazka, Pavel Lafata. 116-120 [doi]
- Equilibrium in erasure coding for ALOHA MAC protocolsMohamed Lamine Boucenna, Malek Benslama. 121-126 [doi]
- Effective Channel Gain Estimation in cellular wireless networksAles Mulej, Andrej Kos, Iztok Humar. 127-131 [doi]
- Matrix decompositions for precoding and equalization of MIMO channel with ISIIvana O. Dvorakova, Vladimir A. Makovy, Alexandr A. Malyutin, Yuriy B. Nechaev. 132-135 [doi]
- Verification of characteristics of the parametric model for the RC4 reference channelRastislav Róka. 136-140 [doi]
- Experimental traffic sign detection using I2V communicationFelix Mariut, Cristian Fosalau, Cristian Zet, Daniel Petrisor. 141-145 [doi]
- Study of QoS parameters measurement methodology and requirements in RSMADMalgorzata Gajewska, Slawomir Gajewski, Marcin Sokol. 146-150 [doi]
- A PSO approach to resource allocation in wireless networksSandra Scott-Hayward, Emiliano Garcia-Palacios. 151-155 [doi]
- Mean bandwidth allocation model of WRR for IP networksTomas Balogh, Martin Medvecky. 156-160 [doi]
- Performance measurement of encryption algorithms and their effect on real running in PLC networksMichal Halas, Ivan Bestak, Milos Orgon, Adrian Kovac. 161-164 [doi]
- Modeling of network switch controlled by neural networkMichal Polivka, Vladislav Skorpil. 165-168 [doi]
- Proposal of new traffic control method in the next generation home networkKazuki Mochizuki, Shota Shimazaki, Dai Hanawa, Kimio Oguchi. 169-172 [doi]
- Neural networks based Physical Cell Identity assignment for self organized 3GPP Long Term EvolutionMuhammad Basit Shahab, Abdul Aziz Bhatti. 173-177 [doi]
- ISI-free pulses produced by a linear combination of two polynomial pulsesAlexandra Ligia Onofrei Balan, Nicolae Dumitru Alexandru. 182-185 [doi]
- Software designed 64-QAM demodulator of OFDM signal implemented into FPGA elementsMiroslav Bures, Marek Dvorsky. 186-189 [doi]
- Network coding solution for improving transmission reliability in wireless sensor networks employed in industrial monitoringZsuzsanna Ilona Kiss, Zsolt Alfred Polgar, Mihai Petru Stef, Vasile Bota. 190-195 [doi]
- A low-complexity precoding transceiver design for double STBC systemJuinn-Horng Deng, Shiang-Chyun Jhan, Sheng-Yang Huang. 196-200 [doi]
- Link adaptation algorithm for distributed coded transmissions in relay-aided OFDMA systemsMihaly Varga, Mihai-Alin Badiu, Vasile Bota. 201-206 [doi]
- On the distribution of the time to buffer overflow in a queueing system with a general-type input streamWojciech M. Kempa. 207-211 [doi]
- Energy efficiency of amplify-and-forward, repetition coding and parallel coding in short range communicationsMarcos Tomio Kakitani, Glauber Gomes de Oliveira Brante, Richard Demo Souza, Muhammad Ali Imran. 212-216 [doi]
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- Sectionalization of the minimal trellis module for convolutional codesIsaac Benchimol, Cecilio Pimentel, Richard Demo Souza. 227-232 [doi]
- Optically reconfigurable fractal antennas for RoF systemsAyhan Yazgan, Oguzhan Çakir, Haydar Kaya, I. Hakki Cavdar. 233-236 [doi]
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- Interference limited Uplink Power Control based on a Cognitive ApproachPavlina Koleva, Oleg Asenov, Georgi Iliev, Vladimir Poulkov. 242-246 [doi]
- Transmission quality in MC-CDMA radio interface with turbo codesAndrzej Marczak. 247-250 [doi]
- Updated approach to SIP benchmarkingJan Rozhon, Miroslav Voznak, Karel Tomala, Jiri Vychodil. 251-254 [doi]
- Monitoring the quality of speech in the communication system BESIPKarel Tomala, Lukas Macura, Miroslav Voznak, Jiri Vychodil. 255-258 [doi]
- Malicious traffic monitoring and its evaluation in VoIP infrastructureJakub Safarik, Miroslav Voznak, Filip Rezac, Lukas Macura. 259-262 [doi]
- Embedded multiplatform SIP server solutionLukas Macura, Miroslav Voznak, Karel Tomala, Jiri Slachta. 263-266 [doi]
- Acquisition Software Design for Temperature SensorsRoland Szabo, Aurel Gontean, Ioan Lie. 272-276 [doi]
- Modeling of metallic cables' attenuation for extreme temperaturesJiri Vodrazka, Pavel Lafata. 277-281 [doi]
- Noise modeling for power line communication modelPetr Mlynek, Jiri Misurec, Martin Koutny. 282-286 [doi]
- Propagation modeling dependent on frequency and distance for mobile communications via high altitude platforms (HAPs)Zeynep Hasirci, I. Hakki Cavdar. 287-291 [doi]
- Increasing the transmission capacity of digital subscriber linesPavel Lafata, Petr Jares, Jiri Vodrazka. 292-296 [doi]
- Model of the signal processing and decision making process of hexapods with static-stable walkingPatrik Kutilek, Slavka Viteckova, Jan Hejda. 297-301 [doi]
- Remote monitoring system for power quality analysis based on virtual instrumentationGabriel Gsaparesc. 302-306 [doi]
- Industrial smart power supplyMircea Babaita, Petru Papazian. 307-310 [doi]
- Vector linear stochastic differential equations and their applications to electrical networksEdita Kolarova, Lubomír Brancík. 311-315 [doi]
- K-mean clustering and correlation analysis in recognition of weather impact on radio signalJan Skapa, Marek Dvorsky, Libor Michalek, Roman Sebesta, Petr Blaha. 316-319 [doi]
- Bayesian compressive sensing for ultra-wideband channel modelsMehmet Ozgor, Serhat Erküçük, Hakan Ali Çirpan. 320-324 [doi]
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- Comparison of two approximation models for near-field of BTS antennasTeodor Petrita. 330-334 [doi]
- Novel composite method for determining the location of the transmitter using Particle Swarm OptimizationOguzhan Çakir, Ayhan Yazgan, Ömer Çakir, Emin Tugcu, Ismail Kaya. 335-339 [doi]
- Different perspective of time difference of arrival averagingOguzhan Çakir, Ayhan Yazgan, Ömer Çakir, Ismail Kaya. 344-347 [doi]
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- SIFO voltage-mode universal filters employing TO-CCIIsShahram Minaei, Erkan Yüce, Norbert Herencsar, Jaroslav Koton. 359-362 [doi]
- An evolutionary approach to design and calibration of reconfigurable OTA-C filtersPaul Farago, Gabor Csipkes, Doris Csipkes, Sorin Hintea. 363-368 [doi]
- On the design and implementation of real active-only filtersHacer Atar Yildiz, Ali Toker, Serdar Özoguz. 369-373 [doi]
- Fully cascadable dual-mode all-pass filter based on single DBTANorbert Herencsar, Jaroslav Koton, Kamil Vrba, Bilgin Metin. 374-377 [doi]
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- A current-mode electronically controllable multifunction biquadratic filter using CCCIIsSomchai Srisakultiew, Aekkarat Noppakarn, Somchai Yurungroangsak, Montree Siripruchyanun. 382-385 [doi]
- An electronically controllable active-only current-mode floating inductance simulatorSupawat Lawanwisut, Montree Siripruchyanun. 386-389 [doi]
- Electronically tunable analog chaos convertersJiri Petrzela. 390-396 [doi]
- Chaotic oscillator with potentials in TRNG and ADCQingdu Li, Qifeng Liu, Junli Niu. 397-400 [doi]
- Electronically adjustable modification of CFA: Double current controlled CFA (DCC-CFA)Roman Sotner, Jan Jerabek, Norbert Herencsar, Tomás Dostál, Kamil Vrba. 401-405 [doi]
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- Differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier-based all-pass filter and its application in quadrature oscillatorJiri Vavra, Josef Bajer, Dalibor Biolek. 411-415 [doi]
- Synthesis of memristor - Based chaotic circuitZdenek Hrubos. 416-420 [doi]
- Voltage-mode multiphase sinusoidal oscillators using CBTAsMehmet Sagbas, Umut Engin Ayten, Norbert Herencsar, Shahram Minaei. 421-425 [doi]
- Formant features statistical analysis of male and female emotional speech in Czech and SlovakJiri Pribil, Anna Pribilová. 427-431 [doi]
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- Bandwidth extension of G.729 speech coder using search-free codebook mappingYoungwoo Kwon, Yaxing Li, Sangwon Kang. 437-440 [doi]
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- A novel supervised learning algorithm for musical instrument classificationRui-rui, Changchun Bao. 446-449 [doi]
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- Voice control of mapsDobesová Zdena. 460-464 [doi]
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- The evaluation and comparison of the practical adhesion strength of biocompatible nano and micro thin films by fuzzy logicPatrik Kutilek, Jan Miksovsky, Slavka Viteckova, Eva Dobesova. 489-493 [doi]
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- Improved EASI ECG model obtained using various machine learning and regression techniquesWojciech Oleksy, Ewaryst Tkacz, Zbigniew Budzianowski. 534-538 [doi]
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- Impact of selected types of electromagnetic fields on biological systemsVilibalda Darmova. 549-553 [doi]
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- Improved face recognition method based on segmentation algorithm using SIFT-PCAPatrik Kamencay, Martin Breznan, Dominik Jelsovka, Martina Zachariasova. 758-762 [doi]
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- An audio watermarking scheme using discrete fourier transformation and singular value decompositionPranab Kumar Dhar, Tetsuya Shimamura. 789-794 [doi]