Abstract is missing.
- Phishing Attacks: Learning by DoingTom Chothia, Stefan-Ioan Paiu, Michael Oultram. [doi]
- Authenticity, Ethicality, and Motivation: A Formal Evaluation of a 10-week Computer Security Alternate Reality Game for CS UndergraduatesJohn R. Morelock, Zachary Peterson. [doi]
- Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall: What are we Teaching Them All? Characterising the Focus of Cybersecurity Curricular FrameworksJoseph Hallett, Robert Larson, Awais Rashid. [doi]
- Lowering the Barriers to Industrial Control System Security with GRFICSDavid Formby, Milad Rad, Raheem A. Beyah. [doi]
- Git-based CTF: A Simple and Effective Approach to Organizing In-Course Attack-and-Defense Security CompetitionSeongIl Wi, Jaeseung Choi, Sang Kil Cha. [doi]
- InfoSec Cinema: Using Films for Information Security TeachingJorge Blasco, Elizabeth A. Quaglia. [doi]
- CLARK - The Cybersecurity Labs and Resource Knowledge-base - A Living Digital LibraryMelissa Dark, Siddharth Kaza, Blair Taylor. [doi]
- King of the Hill: A Novel Cybersecurity Competition for Teaching Penetration TestingKevin Bock, George Hughey, Dave Levin. [doi]
- A Case Study-based Cybersecurity Ethics CurriculumJane Blanken-Webb, Imani Palmer, Nicholas C. Burbules, Roy H. Campbell, Masooda N. Bashir. [doi]
- Hackerbot: Attacker Chatbots for Randomised and Interactive Security Labs, Using SecGen and oVirtZ. Cliffe Schreuders, Thomas Shaw, Aimée Mac Muireadhaigh, Paul Staniforth. [doi]
- Teaching with angr: A Symbolic Execution Curriculum and CTFJacob Springer, Wu-chang Feng. [doi]