Abstract is missing.
- Finding Small HolesJeff Erickson. 1 [doi]
- Approximate Range Searching: The Absolute ModelGuilherme Dias da Fonseca. 2-14 [doi]
- Orthogonal Range Searching in Linear and Almost-Linear SpaceYakov Nekrich. 15-26 [doi]
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- A 4/3-Approximation Algorithm for Minimum 3-Edge-ConnectivityPrabhakar Gubbala, Balaji Raghavachari. 39-51 [doi]
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- The Stackelberg Minimum Spanning Tree GameJean Cardinal, Erik D. Demaine, Samuel Fiorini, Gwenaël Joret, Stefan Langerman, Ilan Newman, Oren Weimann. 64-76 [doi]
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- A Stab at Approximating Minimum Subadditive JoinStaal A. Vinterbo. 214-225 [doi]
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- Computing the Visibility Map of Fat ObjectsMark de Berg, Chris Gray. 251-262 [doi]
- Independent Sets in Bounded-Degree HypergraphsMagnús M. Halldórsson, Elena Losievskaja. 263-274 [doi]
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- On Generalized Diamond SpannersProsenjit Bose, Aaron Lee, Michiel H. M. Smid. 325-336 [doi]
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- Fixed-Parameter Tractability for Non-Crossing Spanning TreesMagnús M. Halldórsson, Christian Knauer, Andreas Spillner, Takeshi Tokuyama. 410-421 [doi]
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- Initializing Sensor Networks of Non-uniform Density in the Weak Sensor ModelMartin Farach-Colton, Miguel A. Mosteiro. 565-576 [doi]
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- Optimal Lightweight Construction of Suffix Arrays for Constant AlphabetsGe Nong, Sen Zhang. 613-624 [doi]
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- Space-Efficient Straggler Identification in Round-Trip Data Streams Via Newton s Identities and Invertible Bloom FiltersDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich. 637-648 [doi]
- Dynamic TCP Acknowledgment with Sliding WindowHisashi Koga. 649-660 [doi]