Abstract is missing.
- A multiple case study of small free software businesses as social entrepreneurshipsAnn Barcomb. 1 [doi]
- An investigation of migrating from proprietary RTOS to embedded LinuxOscar Muchow, David Ustarbowski, Imed Hammouda. 2 [doi]
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- On the openness of digital platforms/ecosystemsJose Teixeira. 4 [doi]
- Software patents: a replication studyGermán Poo-Caamaño, Daniel M. Germán. 5 [doi]
- The FLOSS history in Japan: an ethnographic approachJun Iio, Masayuki Hatta, Ko Kazaana. 6 [doi]
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- The rise and fall of an online project: is bureaucracy killing efficiency in open knowledge production?Nicolas Jullien, Kevin Crowston, Felipe Ortega. 13 [doi]
- #Wikipedia on Twitter: analyzing tweets about WikipediaEva Zangerle, Georg Schmidhammer, Günther Specht. 14 [doi]
- Page protection: another missing dimension of Wikipedia researchBenjamin Mako Hill, Aaron D. Shaw. 15 [doi]
- Wikipedia in the world of global gender inequality indices: what the biography gender gap is measuringMax Klein. 16 [doi]
- Contribution, social networking, and the request for adminship process in WikipediaRomain Picot-Clémente, Cécile Bothorel, Nicolas Jullien. 17 [doi]
- The evolution of knowledge creation online: Wikipedia and knowledge processesRuqin Ren. 18 [doi]
- The Vienna history Wiki: a collaborative knowledge platform for the city of ViennaBernhard Krabina. 19 [doi]
- Peer-production system or collaborative ontology engineering effort: what is Wikidata?Claudia Müller-Birn, Benjamin Karran, Janette Lehmann, Markus Luczak-Rösch. 20 [doi]
- Participants' motivation factors and profile in crowdsourced law reformTanja Aitamurto, Hélène Landemore. 21 [doi]
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- Toward efficient source code sharing on the webHiroaki Fukuda. 23 [doi]