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Get an overview of the publications in a bibliography by studying its author and tag clouds, which are now automatically generated for each bibliography. (You may want to refresh the cloud once in a while using the Refresh button at the bottom of the Publications tab.) For an example see the cloud for the Stratego/XT Bibliography.
In the future such clouds will also be generated for other lists, in particular an authors personal publication list.
Posted on 13/01/2010 15:45 by Eelco Visser.
Another new and convenient workflow. After adding a conference to the calendar, you can add proceedings for the conference using the ‘Add Proceedings’ button in the ‘Edit’ tab of the conference page. Using the ‘Add Paper’ tab you can then add the accepted papers to the proceedings, providing for each paper the list of authors, title, and page numbers.
Note that you can also use this procedure to add missing older conferences, by the way.
Posted on 03/01/2010 11:29 by Eelco Visser.
While it is very easy and fun these days to shoot screencasts, when it is necessary to make a video about a user interface workflow, it is probably an indication that the workflow is too complex. The New Event tab of the conference calendar lets you create a new (edition of a) conference in one step with acronym and year. You can then configure the conference page with dates, call for papers, etc.
Posted on 02/01/2010 23:34 by Eelco Visser.
The new Explore page supports browsing of conferences, journals, authors, tags, and groups using an alphabetic index.
Posted on 29/12/2009 23:07 by Eelco Visser.
It is now possible to sign up for a researchr account without invitation. At the login page use the Register dialog. It requires several steps to get through the registration process. Note that you should register with your own (full) name, and that you should identify yourself with a link to a homepage and email address (listed on the homepage). (No anonymous users on researchr.)
Posted on 28/12/2009 21:08 by Eelco Visser.