Journal: Applied Categorical Structures

Volume 14, Issue 2

99 -- 110S. N. Hosseini, S. Sh. Mousavi. A Relation Between Closure Operators on a Small Category and Its Category of Presheaves
111 -- 121S. Verwulgen. An Isometric Representation of the Dual of C(X, R)
123 -- 134Christophe Van Olmen, Stijn Verwulgen. Every Banach Space is Reflexive
135 -- 150Ales Pultr, Anna Tozzi. Some Categorical Aspects of Information Systems and Domains
151 -- 164Rachid El Harti, Gábor Lukács. Bounded and Unitary Elements in Pro-::::C::::*-algebras
165 -- 190Bernhard Banaschewski, Ales Pultr. A General View of Approximation