Journal: AI EDAM

Volume 24, Issue 2

149 -- 151Mary Lou Maher, Nathalie Bonnardel, Yong Se Kim. Creativity: Simulation, stimulation, and studies
161 -- 178V. Srinivasan, Amaresh Chakrabarti. Investigating novelty-outcome relationships in engineering design
179 -- 189Bo T. Christensen. Images of users and products shown during design processes increase users willingness to use the design outcome
191 -- 209Yan Jin, Oren Benami. Creative patterns and stimulation in conceptual design
211 -- 230Kinda Al-Sayed, Ruth Conroy Dalton, Christoph Hölscher. Discursive design thinking: The role of explicit knowledge in creative architectural design reasoning
231 -- 244Doris Zahner, Jeffrey V. Nickerson, Barbara Tversky, James E. Corter, Jing Ma. A fix for fixation? Rerepresenting and abstracting as creative processes in the design of information systems
245 -- 257Paul Witherell, Sundar Krishnamurty, Ian R. Grosse, Jack C. Wileden. Improved knowledge management through first-order logic in engineering design ontologies
259 -- 276Djordje Krstic. Approximating shapes with hierarchies and topologies