Journal: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

Volume 40, Issue 6

5 -- 7Gary Singh. Valley Viz
8 -- 11Richard Zhang, Torsten Möller. Best of the Best
12 -- 20Edyta Paulina Bogucka, Marios Constantinides, Luca Maria Aiello, Daniele Quercia, Wonyoung So, Melanie Bancilhon, Mike Potel. Cartographic Design of Cultural Maps
21 -- 24Trevor Hogan, Uta Hinrichs, Samuel Huron, Jason Alexander, Yvonne Jansen. Data Physicalization
25 -- 37Dietmar Offenhuber. What We Talk About When We Talk About Data Physicality
38 -- 50Dan Lockton, Laura Forlano, John Fass, Lisa Brawley. Thinking With Things: Landscapes, Connections, and Performances as Modes of Building Shared Understanding
51 -- 60Georgia Panagiotidou, Sinem Görücü, Andrew Vande Moere. Data Badges: Making an Academic Profile Through a DIY Wearable Physicalization
61 -- 75Jörn Hurtienne, Franzisca Maas, Astrid Carolus, Daniel Reinhardt, Cordula Baur, Carolin Wienrich. Move&Find: The Value of Kinaesthetic Experience in a Casual Data Representation
76 -- 87Narges Mahyar, Mahmood Jasim, Ali Sarvghad, Melanie Tory, Daniel F. Keefe. Designing Technology for Sociotechnical Problems: Challenges and Considerations
88 -- 96Nadia Boukhelifa, Anastasia Bezerianos, Remco Chang, Christopher Collins, Steven Mark Drucker, Alexander Endert, Jessica Hullman, Christopher L. North, Michael Sedlmair, Theresa-Marie Rhyne. Challenges in Evaluating Interactive Visual Machine Learning Systems