Journal: Combinatorics, Probability & Computing

Volume 25, Issue 4

486 -- 499Petter Brändén, Madeleine Leander, Mirkó Visontai. Multivariate Eulerian Polynomials and Exclusion Processes
500 -- 559Andreas Galanis, Daniel Stefankovic, Eric Vigoda. Inapproximability of the Partition Function for the Antiferromagnetic Ising and Hard-Core Models
560 -- 576Dan Hefetz, Mykhaylo Tyomkyn. Universality of Graphs with Few Triangles and Anti-Triangles
577 -- 591Mark Huber. Nearly Optimal Bernoulli Factories for Linear Functions
592 -- 594Alexandr V. Kostochka, Jaroslav Nesetril. Adding Edges to Increase the Chromatic Number of a Graph
595 -- 611John Lenz, Dhruv Mubayi. Perfect Packings in Quasirandom Hypergraphs II
612 -- 622Shoham Letzter. Path Ramsey Number for Random Graphs
623 -- 632Micha Sharir, József Solymosi. Distinct Distances from Three Points
633 -- 640Hunter Spink. Local Maxima of Quadratic Boolean Functions