Journal: Computer Physics Communications

Volume 184, Issue 10

2235 -- 2250Scott Bogner, Aurel Bulgac, Joseph A. Carlson, Jonathan Engel, George L. Fann, Richard J. Furnstahl, Stefano Gandolfi, Gaute Hagen, Mihai Horoi, Calvin W. Johnson, Markus Kortelainen, Ewing L. Lusk, Pieter Maris, Hai Ah Nam, Petr Navratil, Witold Nazarewicz, Esmond G. Ng, Gustavo P. A. Nobre, Erich Ormand, Thomas Papenbrock, Junchen Pei, Steven C. Pieper, Sofia Quaglioni, Kenneth J. Rocheo, Jason Sarich, Nicolas Schunck, Masha Sosonkina, Jun Terasaki, Ian J. Thompson, James P. Vary, Stefan M. Wild. Computational nuclear quantum many-body problem: The UNEDF project
2251 -- 2256Deuk-Chul Kwon, Mi-Young Song, Jung-Sik Yoon, Nam-Sik Yoon. A feed-back control approach for global simulation of high density plasma discharges
2257 -- 2266Pawel Dlotko, Ruben Specogna. Physics inspired algorithms for (co)homology computations of three-dimensional combinatorial manifolds with boundary
2267 -- 2276L. Luo, Tariq Rafiq, Arnold Kritz. Improved Multi-Mode anomalous transport module for tokamak plasmas
2277 -- 2286Dinesh Kumar, Abani K. Patra, E. Bruce Pitman, H. Chi. Parallel Godunov smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) with improved treatment of Boundary Conditions and an application to granular flows
2287 -- 2298Daniil A. Andrienko, Sergey T. Surzhikov, Joseph S. Shang. Spherical harmonics method applied to the multi-dimensional radiation transfer
2299 -- 2309C. Montoliu, Néstor Ferrando, M. A. Gosálvez, J. Cerdá, R. J. Colom. Implementation and evaluation of the Level Set method: Towards efficient and accurate simulation of wet etching for microengineering applications
2310 -- 2315Mauro Lapelosa, Cameron F. Abrams. Transition-path theory calculations on non-uniform meshes in two and three dimensions using finite elements
2316 -- 2320Reza Kamali, Ali Kharazmi. Investigation of multiscale fluid flow characteristics based on a hybrid atomistic-continuum method
2321 -- 2331Antonio Arbona, A. Artigues, C. Bona-Casas, J. Massó, B. Miñano, A. Rigo, M. Trias, C. Bona. Simflowny: A general-purpose platform for the management of physical models and simulation problems
2332 -- 2342Vladimir V. Bytev, Mikhail Yu. Kalmykov, Bernd A. Kniehl. 4
2343 -- 2350Sergey G. Bondarenko, Andrey A. Sapronov. NLO EW and QCD proton-proton cross section calculations with mcsanc-v1.01
2351 -- 2361M. D. J. Hollis, M. Tessenyi, G. Tinetti. tau: A 1D radiative transfer code for transmission spectroscopy of extrasolar planet atmospheres
2362 -- 2366Jun Gao. CIJET: A program for computation of jet cross sections induced by quark contact interactions at hadron colliders
2367 -- 2369L. Yu. Barash, L. N. Shchur. RNGSSELIB: Program library for random number generation. More generators, parallel streams of random numbers and Fortran compatibility