- Ali Mezaghrani, Mohammed Debakla, Khalifa Djemal. Novel feature selection method for accurate breast cancer classification using Correlation coefficient and Modified GWO Algorithm. The Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 32(2):175-198, 2024.
- Ramesha Rehman, Mashood Ul Haq Chishti, Hamza Yamin. Efficient GPU Power Management through Advanced Framework Utilizing Optimization Algorithms. The Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 32(1):132-152, 2024.
- Artiom Alhazov, Sergiu Ivanov 0001, Sergey Verlan. A 15-Year Retrospective on Insertion-Deletion Systems: Progress, Evolution, and Future Directions. The Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 32(3):332-371, 2024.
- Kamel Eddine Heraguemi, Nadjet Kamel, Majdi M. Mafarja. A Binary Grey Wolf Optimizer with Mutation for Mining Association Rules. The Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 32(1):84-112, 2024.
- Jürgen Dassow, Bianca Truthe. Insertion Systems Controlled by Ideals and Codes. The Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 32(3):372-388, 2024.
- Bogdan Aman, Gabriel Ciobanu. Formal Analysis of Medical Systems using Multi-Agent Systems with Information Sharing. The Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 32(1):3-18, 2024.
- Yanlong Ma. Cryptanalysis of the cryptosystems based on the generalized hidden discrete logarithm problem. The Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 32(2):289-307, 2024.
- Zouaoui Louhab, Fatma Boufera. A Coloured Petri Net-based approach and Genetic Algorithms for improving services in the Emergency Department. The Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 32(1):113-131, 2024.
- Narayan D. G., Naveen Arali, R. Tejas. DPoSEB: Delegated Proof of Stake with Exponential Backoff Consensus Algorithm for Ethereum Blockchain. The Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 32(2):262-288, 2024.
- Smaranda Belciug, Florin Gheorghe Filip, Mihai Florin Filip. Decision-Making in Healthcare Resources Optimal Management: the Case of Inpatient Bed Occupancy and Associated Costs. The Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 32(2):155-174, 2024.