Journal: Cognition, Technology & Work

Volume 6, Issue 4

207 -- 222Anne Miller. A work domain analysis framework for modelling intensive care unit patients
223 -- 238Vincent Gauthereau. Emergent structures in drug dispensing to inpatients: implications for patient safety
239 -- 246Yuval Bitan, Joachim Meyer, David Shinar, Ehud Zmora. Nurses reactions to alarms in a neonatal intensive care unit
247 -- 265Francesco Bellotti, Alessandro De Gloria, Andrea Poggi, Luisa Andreone, S. Damiani, P. Knoll. Designing configurable automotive dashboards on liquid crystal displays
266 -- 274Johannes Petersen. Control situations in supervisory control

Volume 6, Issue 3

127 -- 130Yan Xiao, Colin F. Mackenzie. Introduction to the special issue on Video-based research in high risk settings: methodology and experience
131 -- 138Stephanie A. Guerlain, Beth Turrentine, Reid Adams, J. Forrest Calland. Using video data for the analysis and training of medical personnel
139 -- 147Colin F. Mackenzie, Yan Xiao, Richard Horst. Video task analysis in high performance teams
148 -- 157E. M. Roth, C. K. Christian, M. Gustafson, Thomas B. Sheridan, K. Dwyer, T. K. Gandhi, M. J. Zinner, M. M. Dierks. Using field observations as a tool for discovery: analys ing cognitive and collaborative demands in the operating room
158 -- 164Yan Xiao, F. Jacob Seagull, Colin F. Mackenzie, Katherine Klein. Adaptive leadership in trauma resuscitation teams: a grounded theory approach to video analysis
165 -- 171G. Fletcher, R. Flin, P. McGeorge, R. Glavin, N. Maran, R. Patey. Rating non-technical skills: developing a behavioural marker system for use in anaesthesia
172 -- 185Penelope Sanderson, Jennifer Crawford, Annyck Savill, Marcus Watson, W. John Russell. Visual and auditory attention in patient monitoring: a formative analysis
186 -- 196Michael D. McNeese. How video informs cognitive systems engineering: making experience count
197 -- 205Emily S. Patterson, Michelle L. Rogers, Marta L. Render. A simulation-based embedded probe technique for human-computer interaction evaluation

Volume 6, Issue 2

63 -- 78Kenji Itoh, Henning Boje Andersen, Masaki Seki. Track maintenance train operators attitudes to job, organisation and management, and their correlation with accident/incident rate
79 -- 86Sidney W. A. Dekker, Erik Hollnagel. Human factors and folk models
87 -- 106Qiao Liu, Keiichi Nakata, Kazuo Furuta. Making control systems visible
107 -- 116John C. McCarthy, Peter C. Wright, Michael Cooke. From information processing to dialogical meaning making: an experiential approach to cognitive ergonomics
117 -- 126Nikos Zarboutis, Nicolas Marmaras. Searching efficient plans for emergency rescue through simulation: the case of a metro fire

Volume 6, Issue 1

1 -- 3Patrizia Marti. On presence
4 -- 14Fatma Nasoz, Kaye Alvarez, Christine L. Lisetti, Neal Finkelstein. Emotion recognition from physiological signals using wireless sensors for presence technologies
15 -- 22Antonio Camurri, Barbara Mazzarino, Gualtiero Volpe. Expressive interfaces
23 -- 36Jeremy V. Pitt. Digital blush: towards shame and embarrassment in multi-agent information trading applications
37 -- 40Luigina Ciolfi. Understanding spaces as places: extending interaction design paradigms
41 -- 44Claire A. G. J. Huijnen, Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn, Panos Markopoulos, Boris E. R. de Ruyter. Social presence and group attraction: exploring the effects of awareness systems in the home
45 -- 48Luciano Gamberini, Anna Spagnolli, Paolo Cottone, Massimiliano Martinelli, Laura Bua. The presence of others in a virtual environment: different collaborative modalities with hybrid resources
49 -- 52Stefania Bandini, Sara Manzoni, Fabrizio Nunnari, Carla Simone. Supporting the sense of presence in control environments
53 -- 56Corina Sas, Gregory M. P. O Hare, Ronan G. Reilly. Presence and task performance: an approach in the light of cognitive style
57 -- 59Rick Kleij, Roos M. Paashuis, J. J. Langefeld, Jan Maarten Schraagen. Effects of long-term use of video-communication technologies on the conversational process
60 -- 62Loretta Anania. What do we need presence for?