Journal: Computación y Sistemas

Volume 26, Issue 1

0 -- 0Diana Jimenez, Omar Juárez Gambino, Hiram Calvo. Pseudo-Labeling Improves News Identification and Categorization with Few Annotated Data
0 -- 0Amado Scott Bello-Valle, Alicia Martínez Rebollar, Wendy Sánchez, Hugo Estrada-Esquivel. A Predictive Model for Automatic Detection of Loneliness and Social Isolation Using Machine Learning
0 -- 0Víctor Ocyel Chavez-Guerrero, Humberto Pérez Espinosa, María Eugenia Puga Nathal, Verónica Reyes-Meza. Classification of Domestic Dogs Emotional Behavior Using Computer Vision
0 -- 0Victor Giovanni Morales Murillo, David Eduardo Pinto Avendaño, Franco Rojas López, Juan Manuel González-Calleros. A Systematic Literature Review on the Hybrid Approaches for Recommender Systems
0 -- 0Beatriz A. González-Beltrán, José Alejandro Reyes-Ortíz, Erick E. Montelongo González. Breast, Lung and Liver Cancer Classification from Structured and Unstructured Data
0 -- 0Blanca Nydia Pérez-Camacho, Juan Manuel González-Calleros, Gustavo Rodríguez Gómez. Methodology to Develop a Home Energy Management System Architecture
0 -- 0Daniel Abraham Huerta-Velasco, Hiram Calvo. Verbal Aggressions Detection in Mexican Tweets
0 -- 0Israel Gaytán-Campos, Wendy Morales Castro, Belém Priego Sánchez, Efren Fitz-Rodríguez, Rafael Guzmán-Cabrera. Automatic Classification of Images with Skin Cancer Using Artificial Intelligence
0 -- 0Gerardo Martínez Guzman, María Beatríz Bernábe Loranca, Carmen Cerón Garnica, Jonathan Serrano-Pérez, Etelvina Archundia-Sierra. Application of the LDA Model for Obtaining Topics from the WIKICORPUS
0 -- 0Fernando Arce Vega, Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela, Wilfrido Gómez-Flores, Laura Georgina Lira Vargas. Learning an Artificial Neural Network to Discover Combinations of Bit-Quads to Compute the Euler Characteristic of a 2-D Binary Image
0 -- 0Alma-Delia Cuevas-Rasgado, Carlos Omar González-Morán, Asdrúbal López Chau, Ulrich Bröckl. Interoperability of Sensors in Buildings for Monitoring the Search for live Victims after Earthquakes
0 -- 0Md. Rafsun Jany Arman, Md. Monowar Hossain, Md. Sabir Hossain. Fish Classification Using Saliency Detection Depending on Shape and Texture
0 -- 0Ana Laura Lezama Sánchez, Mireya Tovar Vidal, José Alejandro Reyes-Ortíz. A Behavior Analysis of the Impact of Semantic Relationships on Topic Discovery
0 -- 0Karina Figueroa, Antonio Camarena-Ibarrola, Luis Valero. Permutation Based Algorithm Improved by Classes for Similarity Searching
0 -- 0Iskander Akhmetov, Alexander F. Gelbukh, Rustam Mussabayev. Topic-Aware Sentiment Analysis of News Articles
0 -- 0Julio Jesús Salas Conde, Manuel Martín Ortiz, Victor Manuel Carneiro Díaz. Methodology for Identification and Classifying of Cybercrime on Tor Network Through the use of Cryptocurrencies based on Web Textual Contents
0 -- 0Antonio Reyes, Rafael Saldívar. Linguistic-based Approach for Recognizing Implicit Language in Hate Speech: Exploratory Insights
0 -- 0Bárbara Emma Sánchez-Rinza, L. Gerardo Munive Morales, Alberto Jaramillo Núñez. LSB Algorithm to Hide Text in an Audio Signal
0 -- 0Bárbara Emma Sánchez-Rinza, Carlos I. Robledo Sánchez, Alberto Jaramillo Núñez. Hiding Information through Reverse-Phase Audio Steganography Technique
0 -- 0Luis Rivera-Zamarripa, Gora Adj, Nareli Cruz Cortés, Carlos Aguilar Ibáñez, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez. A Parallel Strategy for Solving Sparse Linear Systems Over Finite Fields
0 -- 0Arturo Pérez-Cebreros, Eduardo Vázquez-Fernández, Alma Partida-Herrera, Geovani Peña-Ramirez. SVM based Learning System for the Detection of Depression in Social Networks
0 -- 0Nelva Nely Almanza Ortega, Joaquín Pérez Ortega, José Crispín Zavala Díaz, José Solis-Romero. Comparative Analysis of K-Means Variants Implemented in R
0 -- 0Rogelio González Velázquez, Erika Granillo-Martínez, María Beatríz Bernábe Loranca. GRASP Proposal for the Search for SQAP Solutions
0 -- 0Rafaela Blanca Silva-López, Iris Iddaly Méndez-Gurrola. Intelligent System for Customizing Evaluation Activities Implemented in Virtual Learning Environments: Experiments & Results
0 -- 0María Beatríz Bernábe Loranca, Rogelio González Velázquez, Alberto José Luís Carrillo Canán, Erika Granillo-Martínez. Sentiment Analysis and Multiple Means Comparison for the 2020 United States Elections
0 -- 0Nayeli Joaquinita Meléndez Acosta, D. M. Espinoza-Solis, Jose A. León-Borges. Expert Fuzzy System Determining Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya and Yellow Fever Infection
0 -- 0Alba Maribel Sánchez Gálvez, Ricardo Álvarez González, Sully Sánchez Gálvez, Mario Anzures-García. Model to Predict the Result of a Soccer Match Based on the Number of Goals Scored by a Single Team
0 -- 0Mrinal Kanti Baowaly, George William Kibirige, Bikash Chandra Singh. Co-Comment Network: A Novel Approach to Construct Social Networks within Reddit
0 -- 0Daniel Marcelo González-Arriaga, María Aurora Diozcora Vargas-Treviño, Josefina Guerrero García, Jesús López Gómez. Development of a Platform for Generation of CNN and Multilayer Neural Networks
0 -- 0Herminia Beatriz Parra de Gallo. Proposal for a Forensic Action Guide for Internet of Things (IoT) Environments
0 -- 0Apurbalal Senapati. A Fuzzy System for Identifying Partial Reduplication
0 -- 0Prakash Mondal. Predicate Concepts and their Normal Form
0 -- 0Reda Bekka, Samia Kherbouche, Houda El Bouhissi. Distraction Detection to Predict Vehicle Crashes: A Deep Learning Approach
0 -- 0Yuridiana Alemán, María J. Somodevilla, Darnes Vilariño. Semi-Automatic Creation of Ontologies from Unstructured Pedagogical Texts to Assist in Significant Learning
0 -- 0Javier Ruiz-Ortega, Alicia Martínez Rebollar, Jassón Flores-Prieto, Hugo Estrada-Esquivel. Design on a Low Cost IoT Architecture for Greenhouses Monitoring
0 -- 0David Valle Cruz, Asdrúbal López Chau, Marco Antonio Ramos Corchado, Vianney Muñoz-Jiménez. Emotion-Aware Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Personality, Emotion, and Mood Simulation
0 -- 0Masaki Murata, Yuhei Kubo. Assigning Character Strings to Links for Construction of Concept Networks
0 -- 0José Miguel Barrón-Adame, Luis Alberto Holgado-Apaza, María Susana Acosta-Navarrete, Rafael Guzmán-Cabrera, Luis Beltran Palma-Ttito, Solinka Suma-Salas, Ralph Miranda-Castillo. Environmental Variables and their Relation with the SARS-COV-2 Transmission: A Data Mining Approach
0 -- 0Érick Lopez-Ornelas, Rocío Abascal-Mena. Treemap Visualization: A Hierarchical Method to Discover User Profiles on Twitter
0 -- 0Guillermo De Ita, Pedro Bello. Model Checking Algorithm for Repairing Inference between Conjunctive Forms
0 -- 0Radha Mohan Pattanayak Pattanayak, M. V. Sangameswar, Deepika Vodnala, Himansu Das. Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Approach using LSTM Model
0 -- 0Jose Antonio Taquia Gutierrez, Lenin Paul Quiroz Villalobos. Design and Implementation of an Automatic Control System using Motors and Control Sensors to Stabilize a Horizontal Platform with a LiDAR Sensor