Journal: Decision Sciences

Volume 41, Issue 4

651 -- 657Vicki Smith-Daniels. In this Issue
659 -- 688Khawaja A. Saeed, Sue Abdinnour, Mark L. Lengnick-Hall, Cynthia A. Lengnick-Hall. Examining the Impact of Pre-Implementation Expectations on Post-Implementation Use of Enterprise Systems: A Longitudinal Study
689 -- 719Kevin W. Linderman, Roger G. Schroeder, Janine Sanders. A Knowledge Framework Underlying Process Management
721 -- 754Sarah Jinhui Wu, Steven A. Melnyk, Barbara B. Flynn. Operational Capabilities: The Secret Ingredient
755 -- 785Kutsal Dogan. Consumer Effort in Promotional Incentives
787 -- 812Mark Keil, Amrit Tiwana, Robert Sainsbury, Sweta Sneha. Toward a Theory of Whistleblowing Intentions: A Benefit-to-Cost Differential Perspective
813 -- 843John D. Wells, Damon E. Campbell, Joseph S. Valacich, Mauricio Featherman. The Effect of Perceived Novelty on the Adoption of Information Technology Innovations: A Risk/Reward Perspective
845 -- 886Alan R. Dennis, Julie Rennecker, Sean Hansen. Invisible Whispering: Restructuring Collaborative Decision Making with Instant Messaging
887 -- 931Saonee Sarker, Suprateek Sarker, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Joseph S. Valacich. Media Effects on Group Collaboration: An Empirical Examination in an Ethical Decision-Making Context
933 -- 954Deanna M. Kennedy, Ralitza R. Vozdolska, Sara A. McComb. Team Decision Making in Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: How Initial Computer-Mediated or Face-to-Face Meetings Set the Stage for Later Outcomes
955 -- 981Daekwan Kim, Ruby P. Lee. Systems Collaboration and Strategic Collaboration: Their Impacts on Supply Chain Responsiveness and Market Performance
983 -- 1000Asoo J. Vakharia. Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral Dissertation Competition

Volume 41, Issue 3

429 -- 433Vicki Smith-Daniels. In this Issue
435 -- 458G. Tomas M. Hult, Christopher W. Craighead, David J. Ketchen Jr.. Risk Uncertainty and Supply Chain Decisions: A Real Options Perspective
459 -- 490Elliot Bendoly, Dominic Thomas, Monica Capra. Multilevel Social Dynamics Considerations for Project Management Decision Makers: Antecedents and Implications of Group Member Tie Development
491 -- 516Anandasivam Gopal, Balaji R. Koka. The Role of Contracts on Quality and Returns to Quality in Offshore Software Development Outsourcing
517 -- 546Yusen Xia, G. Peter Zhang. The Impact of the Online Channel on Retailers' Performances: An Empirical Evaluation
547 -- 572V. Daniel R. Guide Jr., Jiayi Li. The Potential for Cannibalization of New Products Sales by Remanufactured Products
573 -- 594Bin Jiang, Srinivas Talluri, Tao Yao, Yongma Moon. Breaking the Winner's Curse in Outsourcing
595 -- 622Cheryl T. Druehl, Evan L. Porteus. Strategic Product/Service Innovations of an Online Firm
623 -- 650Wenming Chung, Srinivas Talluri, Ram Narasimhan. Flexibility or Cost Saving? Sourcing Decisions with Two Suppliers

Volume 41, Issue 2

197 -- 201Vicki Smith-Daniels. In this Issue
203 -- 230Ana Groznik, H. Sebastian Heese. Supply Chain Conflict Due to Store Brands: The Value of Wholesale Price Commitment in a Retail Supply Chain
231 -- 270Prashant C. Palvia, Ruth C. King, Weidong Xia, Shailendra C. Palvia. Capability, Quality, and Performance of Offshore IS Vendors: A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Investigation
271 -- 300Ruby P. Lee, Jean L. Johnson. Managing Multiple Facets of Risk in New Product Alliances
301 -- 324Pinar Martin, V. Daniel R. Guide Jr., Christopher W. Craighead. Supply Chain Sourcing in Remanufacturing Operations: An Empirical Investigation of Remake Versus Buy
325 -- 353Yuwen Chen, Janice E. Carrillo, Asoo J. Vakharia, Peter Sin. Fusion Product Planning: A Market Offering Perspective
355 -- 372Ram Narasimhan, Morgan Swink, Sridhar Viswanathan. On Decisions for Integration Implementation: An Examination of Complementarities Between Product-Process Technology Integration and Supply Chain Integration
373 -- 401P. Daniel Wright, Kurt M. Bretthauer. Strategies for Addressing the Nursing Shortage: Coordinated Decision Making and Workforce Flexibility
403 -- 423Eylem Koca, Gilvan C. Souza, Cheryl T. Druehl. Managing Product Rollovers

Volume 41, Issue 1

1 -- 4Vicki Smith-Daniels. In this Issue
5 -- 20Michael R. Galbreth, Joseph D. Blackburn. Offshore Remanufacturing with Variable Used Product Condition
21 -- 47Andrew N. K. Chen, Yuhchang Hwang, T. S. Raghu. Knowledge Life Cycle, Knowledge Inventory, and Knowledge Acquisition Strategies
49 -- 80Xenophon Koufteros, Greg Rawski, Rupak Rauniar. Organizational Integration for Product Development: The Effects on Glitches, On-Time Execution of Engineering Change Orders, and Market Success
81 -- 113Thomas J. Kull, Ram Narasimhan. Quality Management and Cooperative Values: Investigation of Multilevel Influences on Workgroup Performance
115 -- 145Dahui Li, Patrick Y. K. Chau, Fujun Lai. Market Orientation, Ownership Type, and E-Business Assimilation: Evidence from Chinese Firms
147 -- 196Jayanth Jayaram, Manoj K. Malhotra. The Differential and Contingent Impact of Concurrency on New Product Development Project Performance: A Holistic Examination