Journal: European Journal of Operational Research

Volume 278, Issue 3

721 -- 737Sally C. Brailsford, Tillal Eldabi, Martin Kunc, Navonil Mustafee, Andrés F. Osorio. Hybrid simulation modelling in operational research: A state-of-the-art review
738 -- 751Li Li. Cooperative purchasing and preactive inventory sharing - Channel balancing and performance improvement
752 -- 771Arpan Rijal, Marco Bijvank, René de Koster. Integrated scheduling and assignment of trucks at unit-load cross-dock terminals with mixed service mode dock doors
772 -- 782Philip A. Scarf, Cristiano A. V. Cavalcante, Rodrigo S. Lopes. Delay-time modelling of a critical system subject to random inspections
783 -- 795Luoyi Sun, Ruud H. Teunter, M. Zied Babai, Guowei Hua. Optimal pricing for ride-sourcing platforms
796 -- 808Adalberto Sato Michels, Thiago Cantos Lopes, Celso Gustavo Stall Sikora, Leandro Magatão. A Benders' decomposition algorithm with combinatorial cuts for the multi-manned assembly line balancing problem
809 -- 820Jianheng Zhou, Ruijuan Zhao, Weishen Wang. Pricing decision of a manufacturer in a dual-channel supply chain with asymmetric information
821 -- 836Dominik Goeke. Granular tabu search for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and electric vehicles
837 -- 844Oded Stark, Wiktor Budzinski, Grzegorz Kosiorowski. Switching queues, cultural conventions, and social welfare
845 -- 854Mohsen Afsharian, Heinz Ahn, Sören Guntram Harms. Performance comparison of management groups under centralised management
855 -- 868Carlos Casorrán, Bernard Fortz, Martine Labbé, Fernando Ordóñez. A study of general and security Stackelberg game formulations
869 -- 882Anssi Käki, Katariina Kemppainen, Juuso Liesiö. What to do when decision-makers deviate from model recommendations? Empirical evidence from hydropower industry
883 -- 893Xiaofeng Nie. The impact of conditional dependence on checked baggage screening
894 -- 903M. H. R. Khouzani, Zhengliang Liu, Pasquale Malacaria. Scalable min-max multi-objective cyber-security optimisation over probabilistic attack graphs
904 -- 915Jakob Huber, Sebastian Müller, Moritz Fleischmann, Heiner Stuckenschmidt. A data-driven newsvendor problem: From data to decision
916 -- 926Jitka Janová, David Hampel, Danuse Nerudová. Design and validation of a tax sustainability index
927 -- 941Xiaodan Wu, Juan Li, Chao-Hsien Chu. Modeling multi-stage healthcare systems with service interactions under blocking for bed allocation
942 -- 960Salvatore Greco, Alessio Ishizaka, Menelaos Tasiou, Gianpiero Torrisi. Sigma-Mu efficiency analysis: A methodology for evaluating units through composite indicators
961 -- 975Abraham Lioui, Patrice Poncet. Long horizon predictability: An asset allocation perspective
976 -- 988Guiyuan Ma, Chi Chung Siu, Song-Ping Zhu. Dynamic portfolio choice with return predictability and transaction costs

Volume 278, Issue 2

365 -- 367Ali Emrouznejad, Rajiv Banker, Luka Neralic. Advances in data envelopment analysis: Celebrating the 40th anniversary of DEA and the 100th anniversary of Professor Abraham Charnes' birthday
368 -- 384Rajiv Banker, Ram Natarajan, Daqun Zhang. Two-stage estimation of the impact of contextual variables in stochastic frontier production function models using Data Envelopment Analysis: Second stage OLS versus bootstrap approaches
385 -- 393Samah Jradi, John Ruggiero. Stochastic data envelopment analysis: A quantile regression approach to estimate the production frontier
394 -- 400Rolf Färe, Giannis Karagiannis, Maryam Hasannasab, Dimitris Margaritis 0002. A benefit-of-the-doubt model with reverse indicators
401 -- 409Maryam Hasannasab, Dimitris Margaritis 0002, Israfil Roshdi, Paul Rouse. Hyperbolic efficiency measurement: A conic programming approach
410 -- 421Margaréta Halická, Mária Trnovská. Duality and profit efficiency for the hyperbolic measure model
422 -- 429Subhash C. Ray. The transformation function, technical efficiency, and the CCR ratio
430 -- 441Luka Neralic, Richard E. Wendell. Enlarging the radius of stability and stability regions in Data Envelopment Analysis
442 -- 447Mohammad Reza Ghasemi, Joshua Ignatius, Babak Rezaee. Improving discriminating power in data envelopment models based on deviation variables framework
448 -- 462Francisco J. Santos-Arteaga, Madjid Tavana, Debora Di Caprio, Mehdi Toloo. A dynamic multi-stage slacks-based measure data envelopment analysis model with knowledge accumulation and technological evolution
463 -- 471Juan Aparicio, Magdalena Kapelko. Accounting for slacks to measure dynamic inefficiency in data envelopment analysis
472 -- 480Gregory Koronakos, Dimitris Sotiros, Dimitris K. Despotis. Reformulation of Network Data Envelopment Analysis models using a common modelling framework
481 -- 497Oscar Herrera-Restrepo, Konstantinos P. Triantis. Enterprise design through complex adaptive systems and efficiency measurement
498 -- 513Renata Oliveira, Andreia Zanella, Ana S. Camanho. The assessment of corporate social responsibility: The construction of an industry ranking and identification of potential for improvement
514 -- 532Ibrahim H. Osman, Abdel Latef Anouze, Zahir Irani, Habin Lee, Tunç D. Medeni, Vishanth Weerakkody. A cognitive analytics management framework for the transformation of electronic government services from users' perspective to create sustainable shared values
533 -- 545Jiyoung Lee, Chulyeon Kim, Gyunghyun Choi. Exploring data envelopment analysis for measuring collaborated innovation efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises in Korea
546 -- 562Dmytro Matsypura, Alexander Veremyev, Oleg A. Prokopyev, Eduardo L. Pasiliao. On exact solution approaches for the longest induced path problem
563 -- 577Pedro M. Castro, Iiro Harjunkoski, Ignacio E. Grossmann. Discrete and continuous-time formulations for dealing with break periods: Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling
578 -- 595Nils Boysen, Dirk Briskorn, Stefan Schwerdfeger. Matching supply and demand in a sharing economy: Classification, computational complexity, and application
596 -- 614Babak Akbarzadeh, Ghasem Moslehi, Mohammad Reisi-Nafchi, Broos Maenhout. The re-planning and scheduling of surgical cases in the operating room department after block release time with resource rescheduling
615 -- 628Jessica Rodríguez-Pereira, Elena Fernández, Gilbert Laporte, Enrique Benavent, Antonio Martinez-Sykora. The Steiner Traveling Salesman Problem and its extensions
629 -- 645Borja Ponte, Mohamed M. Naim, Aris A. Syntetos. The value of regulating returns for enhancing the dynamic behaviour of hybrid manufacturing-remanufacturing systems
646 -- 657Rob J. I. Basten, Jennifer K. Ryan. The value of maintenance delay flexibility for improved spare parts inventory management
658 -- 671Junjian Wu, Haiyan Wang, Jennifer Shang. Multi-sourcing and information sharing under competition and supply uncertainty
672 -- 685Luis C. Dias, Rudolf Vetschera. On generating utility functions in Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis
686 -- 698Tejas Bodas, D. Manjunath. Revenue maximization in service systems with heterogeneous customers
699 -- 708Guangjing Yang, Hao Sun, Dongshuang Hou, Genjiu Xu. Games in sequencing situations with externalities
709 -- 720Thomas Lidbetter, Kyle Y. Lin. Searching for multiple objects in multiple locations

Volume 278, Issue 1

1 -- 2Immanuel M. Bomze, Paolo Toth. Egon Balas (1922-2019)
3 -- 19George Wright, George Cairns, Frances A. O'Brien, Paul Goodwin. Scenario analysis to support decision making in addressing wicked problems: Pitfalls and potential
20 -- 35Fengqiao Luo, Sanjay Mehrotra. Decomposition algorithm for distributionally robust optimization using Wasserstein metric with an application to a class of regression models
36 -- 48Peiping Shen, Zeyi Zhu, Xiao Chen. A practicable contraction approach for the sum of the generalized polynomial ratios problem
49 -- 63Chanaka Edirisinghe 0001, Jaehwan Jeong. Indefinite multi-constrained separable quadratic optimization: Large-scale efficient solution
64 -- 75Filipe Monnerat, Joana Dias, Maria João Alves. Fleet management: A vehicle and driver assignment model
76 -- 90Pablo San Segundo, Stefano Coniglio, Fabio Furini, Ivana Ljubic. A new branch-and-bound algorithm for the maximum edge-weighted clique problem
91 -- 104Timo Gschwind, Nicola Bianchessi, Stefan Irnich. Stabilized branch-price-and-cut for the commodity-constrained split delivery vehicle routing problem
105 -- 119Kübra Taninmis, Necati Aras, I. Kuban Altinel. Influence maximization with deactivation in social networks
120 -- 135Geraldo Regis Mauri. Improved mathematical model and bounds for the crop rotation scheduling problem with adjacency constraints
136 -- 148Mikita Hradovich, Adam Kasperski, Pawel Zielinski 0001. Robust recoverable 0-1 optimization problems under polyhedral uncertainty
149 -- 159Christos Koulamas, George J. Kyparisis. New results for single-machine scheduling with past-sequence-dependent setup times and due date-related objectives
160 -- 169György Dósa, Hans Kellerer, Zsolt Tuza. Using weight decision for decreasing the price of anarchy in selfish bin packing games
170 -- 185Arthur Kramer, Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz, Manuel Iori, Stefan Voß. Novel formulations and modeling enhancements for the dynamic berth allocation problem
186 -- 201Marcus Ang, Yun Fong Lim. How to optimize storage classes in a unit-load warehouse
202 -- 210Gian-Marco Kokott, Martin Bichler, Per Paulsen. The beauty of Dutch: Ex-post split-award auctions in procurement markets with diseconomies of scale
211 -- 225Shunji Tanaka, Kevin Tierney, Consuelo Parreño-Torres, Ramón Alvarez-Valdés, Rubén Ruiz. A branch and bound approach for large pre-marshalling problems
226 -- 239Lawrence Green, Ming-Chien Sung, Tiejun Ma, Johnnie E. V. Johnson. To what extent can new web-based technology improve forecasts? Assessing the economic value of information derived from Virtual Globes and its rate of diffusion in a financial market
240 -- 254Yiwen Bian, Jiazheng Xie, Thomas W. Archibald, Yanhong Sun. Optimal extended warranty strategy: Offering trade-in service or not?
255 -- 265Hung-Pin Lai, Subal C. Kumbhakar. Technical and allocative efficiency in a panel stochastic production frontier system model
266 -- 282William N. Caballero, Brian J. Lunday. Influence modeling: Mathematical programming representations of persuasion under either risk or uncertainty
283 -- 295Ruihai Li, Yuping Liu, Jinn-Tsair Teng, Yu-Chung Tsao. Optimal pricing, lot-sizing and backordering decisions when a seller demands an advance-cash-credit payment scheme
296 -- 313Florian Kellner, Miriam Schneiderbauer. Further insights into the allocation of greenhouse gas emissions to shipments in road freight transportation: The pollution routing game
314 -- 329Taylan G. Topcu, Konstantinos P. Triantis, Bart Roets. Estimation of the workload boundary in socio-technical infrastructure management systems: The case of Belgian railroads
330 -- 342Nicolas Huck. Large data sets and machine learning: Applications to statistical arbitrage
343 -- 362Giorgi Tadumadze, Nils Boysen, Simon Emde, Felix Weidinger. Integrated truck and workforce scheduling to accelerate the unloading of trucks
363 -- 364Changchun Liu. A note on tactical berth allocation under uncertainty