Journal: ERCIM News

Volume 2012, Issue 90

0 -- 0Jan Gassen, Elmar Gerhards-Padilla. A Scalable Approach for a Distributed Network of Attack Sensors
0 -- 0Marek Kumpost, Vashek Matyás. The Real Value of Private Information - Two Experimental Studies
0 -- 0Attila Kertész, Szilvia Varadi. Legal Issues Associated with Data Management in European Clouds
0 -- 0Michael Levi. Measuring the Cost of Cybercrimes
0 -- 0Marc Stevens. Advances in Hash Function Cryptanalysis
0 -- 0Radoniaina Andriatsimandefitra, Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Ludovic Mé. User Data on Androïd Smartphone Must be Protected
0 -- 0Dominik Slezak, Krzysztof Stencel, Hung Son Nguyen. (No)SQL Platform for Scalable Semantic Processing of Fast Growing Document Repositories
0 -- 0Nicolas Anciaux, Benjamin Nguyen, Michalis Vazirgiannis. The Minimum Exposure Project: Limiting Data Collection in Online Forms
0 -- 0Oleg Chertov, Dan Tavrov. Providing Online Group Anonymity
0 -- 0Srdjan Matic, Aristide Fattori, Danilo Bruschi, Lorenzo Cavallaro. Peering into the Muddy Waters of Pastebin
0 -- 0Alex Biryukov, Ivan Pustogarov, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann. TorScan: Deanonymizing Connections Using Topology Leaks
0 -- 0Nicolas Anciaux, Jean-Marc Petit, Philippe Pucheral, Karine Zeitouni. Personal Data Server: Keeping Sensitive Data under the Individual's Control
0 -- 0Arnaud Legout, Walid Dabbous. Linking a Social Identity to an IP Address
0 -- 0Michal Haindl, Jirí Filip, Radomír Vávra. Digital Material Appearance: The Curse of Tera-Bytes
0 -- 0Evangelos P. Markatos, Herbert Bos. SysSec: Managing Threats and Vulnerabilities in the Future Internet
0 -- 0Markus Huber. Social Snapshot Framework: Crime Investigation on Online Social Networks
0 -- 0Vicenç Torra, Klara Stokes. Reidentification for Measuring Disclosure Risk
0 -- 0Martin Burkhart, Xenofontas A. Dimitropoulos. How to Protect Data Privacy in Collaborative Network Security
0 -- 0Sébastien Gambs. Inference Attacks on Geolocated Data
0 -- 0Solange Ghernaouti-Helie. The Cybercrime Ecosystem & Privacy Issues - Main Challenges and Perspectives from a Societal Perspective
0 -- 0Rafael Accorsi, Keyun Ruan. Challenges of Cloud Forensics: A Survey of the Missing Capabilities
0 -- 0Christopher Humphries, Nicolas Prigent, Christophe Bidan. Visualization for Monitoring Network Security Events
0 -- 0Paolo Barsocchi, Maria Girardi. The "SHOWN" Platform - Safeguarding Architectural Heritage Using Wireless Networks
0 -- 0Zsolt Kemény, Elisabeth Ilie Zudor. Tackling IT Challenges in Multi-Participant Hub-and-Spoke Logistics Networks
0 -- 0Solange Ghernaouti-Helie, Jens Tölle, Jean-Jacques Quisquater. Cybercrime and Privacy Issues - Introduction to the Special Theme
0 -- 0Daniel Plohmann, Elmar Gerhards-Padilla. Malware and Botnet Analysis Methodology
0 -- 0Jane Kernan, Heather J. Ruskin. Microarrays - Innovative Standards in a Changing World: the Case for Cloud
0 -- 0Juan Caballero. Understanding the Role of Malware in Cybercrime
0 -- 0Jeroen van den Bos, Tijs van der Storm. Domain-Specific Languages for Better Forensic Software
0 -- 0Michael Baentsch, Paolo Scotton, Thomas Gschwind. Secure Enterprise Desktop
0 -- 0Philip D. Healy, John P. Morrison, Ray Walshe. ElasticSSI: Self-optimizing Metacomputing through Process Migration and Elastic Scaling
0 -- 0Kris Jack, Maurizio Sambati, Fabrizio Silvestri, Salvatore Trani, Rossano Venturini. Cite-as-you-write
0 -- 0Stefano Zanero, Sotiris Ioannidis, Evangelos P. Markatos. i-Code: Real-Time Malicious Code Identification