Journal: ERCIM News

Volume 2021, Issue 124

0 -- 0Alexander Preinerstorfer, Philip Taupe, Christoph Hochwarter. Airborne Reconnaissance in the Field of Natural Hazard Management and Public Safety
0 -- 0Wouter Edeling, Daan Crommelin. The Case for Uncertainty in COVID19 Predictions
0 -- 0Paulo Carvalho, Patrik Hitzelberger. A Tabular Data Analysis Solution to Help Improve the Quality of Data Relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic
0 -- 0Sébastien Faye, Tai-Yu Ma, Pascal Lhoas, Djamel Khadraoui. Fusing Wireless Network Data to Analyse Indoor Social Distancing
0 -- 0Gianpaolo Coro. Predicting the Spread of COVID-19 through Marine Ecological Niche Models
0 -- 0Refiz Duro, Alexandra-Ioana Bojor, Georg Neubauer. Observing Moving Vehicles as a Signature of Human Activity During a Pandemic
0 -- 0Nikos Petrellis. Exploiting a Symptom Tracking Platform for Social Distancing
0 -- 0Christian Kollmitzer, Melanie Schranz, Manuel Warum. A Multidimensional Method for Capturing Spatial Data
0 -- 0Martin Doerr, Pavlos Fafalios, Apostolos Delis. Digital Seafaring: Digitising, Curating and Exploring Archival Sources of Maritime History
0 -- 0Peter Gaal, Miklos Szocska, Tamas Joo, Tamas Palicz. Population Movement Monitoring Based on Mobile Phone Usage Data to Support Pandemic Decision Making
0 -- 0Gábor Szederkényi, Tamás Péni, Gergely Röst. Control Theoretic Approach for COVID-19 Management
0 -- 0Mario Drobics, Alexander Preinerstorfer, Andrés Carrasco. A Common Information Space for Pandemic Management
0 -- 0Angelica Lo Duca, Andrea Marchetti. Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Italian Tourism During the First Quarter of 2020
0 -- 0Haridimos Kondylakis, Dimitrios G. Katehakis, Angelina Kouroubali. Staying Safe in COVID-19
0 -- 0Salvatore Rinzivillo, Joakim Sundnes, Karin Rainer. Pandemic Modelling and Simulation - Introduction to the Special Theme
0 -- 0Lisa Veiber, Salah Ghamizi, Jean-Sébastien Sottet. A Hybrid Predictive Model for Mitigating Health and Economic Factors during a Pandemic
0 -- 0Giulio Rossetti, Letizia Milli, Salvatore Rinzivillo. NDlib: A Python Library to Model and Analyze Diffusion Processes over Complex Networks
0 -- 0Christophe Ponsard, Bérengère Nihoul. Fairness Analysis of Pandemic Management using a Sustainability Pattern Library
0 -- 0Stefan Emrich, Niki Popper. How an Agent-Based Population Model Became a Key-Element of the Austrian Effort Against COVID-19
0 -- 0Ercan Engin Kuruoglu, Yang Li. Modelling Time-Varying Epidemiological Parameters for COVID-19
0 -- 0Christophe Henry, Kerlyns Martinez-Rodriguez, Mireille Bossy, Hervé Guillard, Nicolas Rutard, Angelo Murrone. Social Distancing: The Sensitivity of Numerical Simulations
0 -- 0Stelios Zimeras. Using Markovian Models to Simulate Disease Spread