Journal: Foundations of Computational Mathematics

Volume 17, Issue 3

627 -- 674Martin Burger, Ole Løseth Elvetun, Matthias Schlottbom. Analysis of the Diffuse Domain Method for Second Order Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
675 -- 712Ander Murua, J.-M. Sanz-Serna. Word Series for Dynamical Systems and Their Numerical Integrators
713 -- 727Merico E. Argentati, Andrew V. Knyazev, Klaus Neymeyr, Evgueni E. Ovtchinnikov, Ming Zhou. Convergence Theory for Preconditioned Eigenvalue Solvers in a Nutshell
729 -- 762Elizabeth L. Mansfield, Tristan Pryer. Noether-Type Discrete Conserved Quantities Arising from a Finite Element Approximation of a Variational Problem
763 -- 827Ulrik S. Fjordholm, Roger Käppeli, Siddhartha Mishra, Eitan Tadmor. Construction of Approximate Entropy Measure-Valued Solutions for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws
829 -- 836Jarod Alper, Tristram Bogart, Mauricio Velasco. A Lower Bound for the Determinantal Complexity of a Hypersurface
837 -- 849Luis Renato G. Dias, Susumu Tanabé, Mihai Tibar. Toward Effective Detection of the Bifurcation Locus of Real Polynomial Maps
851 -- 877Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr., A. Silverberg. Roots of Unity in Orders