Journal: Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics

Volume 11, Issue 5

257 -- 258Qi Zhou. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Current Progress and Future Perspectives
259 -- 263Jian Shu, Hongkui Deng. Lineage Specifiers: New Players in the Induction of Pluripotency
264 -- 274Xiao-Bing Zhang. Cellular Reprogramming of Human Peripheral Blood Cells
275 -- 283Wenwen Jia, Wen Chen, Jiuhong Kang. The Functions of MicroRNAs and Long Non-coding RNAs in Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
284 -- 287Yi-ye Zhou, Fanyi Zeng. Integration-free Methods for Generating Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
288 -- 293Menghua Wu, Guilai Chen, Baoyang Hu. Induced Pluripotency for Translational Research
294 -- 298Xiao Lu, Tongbiao Zhao. Clinical Therapy Using iPSCs: Hopes and Challenges
299 -- 303Chunjing Feng, Yun-Dan Jia, Xiao-yang Zhao. Pluripotency of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
304 -- 311Juan Wang, Qi Gu, Jie Hao, Donghui Bai, Lei Liu, Xiaoyang Zhao, Zhonghua Liu, Liu Wang, Qi Zhou. Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells with High Efficiency from Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells
312 -- 319Guangjun Xi, Pingfang Hu, Cunye Qu, Shenfeng Qiu, Chang Tong, Qi-Long Ying. Induced Neural Stem Cells Generated from Rat Fibroblasts
320 -- 326Minjie Zhang, Caiyun Yang, Huixian Liu, Yingli Sun. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Are Sensitive to DNA Damage
327 -- 333Wenteng He, Qingran Kong, Yongqian Shi, Bingteng Xie, Mingxia Jiao, Tianqing Huang, Shimeng Guo, Kui Hu, Zhonghua Liu. Generation and Developmental Characteristics of Porcine Tetraploid Embryos and Tetraploid/diploid Chimeric Embryos