Journal: Internet High. Educ.

Volume 3, Issue Issues

1 -- 5John A. Scigliano. The Internet and Higher Education special issue on the history of online learning
1 -- 5John A. Scigliano. The Internet and Higher Education special issue on the history of online learning
7 -- 21Inabeth Miller. Distance learning - a personal history
7 -- 21Inabeth Miller. Distance learning - a personal history
23 -- 40Laurie P. Dringus, John A. Scigliano. From early to current developments in online learning at Nova Southeastern University: reflections on historical milestones
23 -- 40Laurie P. Dringus, John A. Scigliano. From early to current developments in online learning at Nova Southeastern University: reflections on historical milestones
41 -- 61Linda Harasim. Shift happens: online education as a new paradigm in learning
41 -- 61Linda Harasim. Shift happens: online education as a new paradigm in learning
63 -- 74Robin Mason. From distance education to online education
63 -- 74Robin Mason. From distance education to online education
75 -- 97Betty Collis, Gerard Gervedink Nijhuis. The instructor as manager: time and task
75 -- 97Betty Collis, Gerard Gervedink Nijhuis. The instructor as manager: time and task
99 -- 115John A. Scigliano, Laurie P. Dringus. A lifecycle model for online learning management: 21 critical metrics for the 21st century
99 -- 115John A. Scigliano, Laurie P. Dringus. A lifecycle model for online learning management: 21 critical metrics for the 21st century
117 -- 124Donald P. Mitchell, John A. Scigliano. Moving beyond the white cane: building an online learning environment for the visually impaired professional
117 -- 124Donald P. Mitchell, John A. Scigliano. Moving beyond the white cane: building an online learning environment for the visually impaired professional
125 -- 139John A. Scigliano. John A. Scigliano interviews Allan B. Ellis
125 -- 139John A. Scigliano. John A. Scigliano interviews Allan B. Ellis

Volume 3, Issue 4

223 -- 269Fadi P. Deek, Ki-Wang Ho, Haider Ali Ramadhan. A critical analysis and evaluation of Web-based environments for program development
271 -- 284Alfred Bork. Four fictional views of the future of learning
285 -- 297Alfred P. Rovai. Building and sustaining community in asynchronous learning networks
299 -- 303John A. Scigliano. Mastering Virtual Teams: Strategies, Tools, and Techniques that Succeed: Deborah L. Duarte and Nancy Tennant Snyder. (2000). 2nd ed., San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 256 pages. ISBN: 0-7879-5589-2W01. US$39.95, includes a CD-ROM
305 -- 307Davie T. Cooley. Evaluation and Implementation of Distance Learning: Technologies, Tools and Techniques: Belanger, France, & Jordan, Dianne H. (2000). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing, 246 pages. ISBN: 1-878-28963-2 (paperback). US$69.95
309 -- 311Donna Petty. The Online Teaching Guide: A Handbook of Attitudes, Strategies, and Techniques for the Virtual Classroom: White, Ken W., & Weight, Bob H. (Eds.). (2000). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 192 pages. ISBN: 0205295312. US$31.00

Volume 3, Issue 3

141 -- 151Alfred P. Rovai. Online and traditional assessments: what is the difference?
153 -- 160Ravindra Krovi, B. S. Vijayaraman. E-commerce content in business school curriculum: opportunities and challenges
161 -- 174Edward Lieblein. Critical factors for successful delivery of online programs
175 -- 181Anita F. McCarthy-McGee. Addressing evaluation and assessment while delivering online learning for the Army
183 -- 199Don L. Unruh. Desktop videoconferencing: The promise and problems of delivery of Web-based training
201 -- 205Greg Simco. Tele-Immersion An Internet 2 advanced application
207 -- 212Robert J. Sellani. Sustaining Distance Training: Integrating Learning Technologies Into the Fabric of the enterprise: By Zane L. Berge (Ed.), The Jossey-Bass Business and Management Series, First edition, 413 pages, ISBN 0-7879-5331-8, 2001, by Jossey-Bass Inc., San Francisco, California, Price: US$36.95
213 -- 218John M. Silvester. The Social Life of Information: Brown, J.S., & Duguid, P. (2000). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. ISBN 0-87584-762-5. 320 pages
219 -- 222Gail Flanagan. Teaching and Learning at a Distance - Foundations of Distance Education: Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., and Zvacek, S. (2000). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 241 pages, ISBN: 0-13769258-7