Journal: Information and Organization

Volume 28, Issue 1

1 -- 36Kimberly McGee. The influence of gender, and race/ethnicity on advancement in information technology (IT)
1 -- 0Elizabeth Davidson, Michael I. Barrett. Introduction to the Research Impact and Contributions to Knowledge (RICK) Section
37 -- 43Andrew H. Van de Ven. Information & Organization
44 -- 51Michael I. Barrett, Eivor Oborn. Bridging the research-practice divide: Harnessing expertise collaboration in making a wider set of contributions
52 -- 61Bob Hinings, Thomas Gegenhuber, Royston Greenwood. Digital innovation and transformation: An institutional perspective
62 -- 70Samer Faraj, Stella Pachidi, Karla Sayegh. Working and organizing in the age of the learning algorithm