Journal: ICGA Journal

Volume 32, Issue 3

129 -- 130H. Jaap van den Herik. Spotlights on Amazons and Hangman
131 -- 139Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Leopoldo Carro-Calvo, Emilio G. Ortíz-García, Ángel M. Pérez-Bellido, José Antonio Portilla-Figueras. A Nested Two-steps Evolutionary Algorithm for the Light-up Puzzle
140 -- 148Julien Kloetzer, Hiroyuki Iida, Bruno Bouzy. Playing Amazons Endgames
149 -- 153Charles Reams. Playing Perfect Hangman
154 -- 160Seth Pellegrino, A. Hubbard, J. Galbraith, Peter Drake, Yung-Pin Chen. Localizing Search in Monte-Carlo Go using Statistical Covariance