Journal: IEEE-RITA

Volume 8, Issue 3

97 -- 102Juarez Bento da Silva, Willian Rochadel, Roderval Marcelino, Vilson Gruber. Utilization of NICTs Applied to Mobile Devices
103 -- 110Carlos López Nozal, José-Francisco Díez-Pastor, Jesús Manuel Maudes Raedo, Raúl Marticorena Sánchez. An Innovative Moodle Final Project Management Module for Bachelor and Master's Studies
111 -- 118Ana María López Torres, Cristóbal Nico Suárez Guerrero. Learning Content Development With Social Tools: Learning Generated Content in Engineering
119 -- 125Ana María Martín Cuadrado, M. Ángeles López González, Andrés García Arce. Innovation Network: Videoconferencing as a Resource in Teaching Support and Autonomous Learning
126 -- 132Guillermo Asín Prieto, Julio Pastor Mendoza. Low Cost Didactic Robotic Platform Based on Player/Stage Software Architecture and La Fonera Hardware
135 -- 142Tomas Palleja Cabre, Merce Teixido Cairol, Davinia Font Calafell, Marcel Tresanchez Ribes, Jordi Palacin Roca. Project-Based Learning Example: Controlling an Educational Robotic Arm With Computer Vision
143 -- 151Íñigo J. Oleagordia Aguirre, Mariano Barrón Ruiz, José I. San Martín Díaz. Platform for Testing and Measuring Based on Virtual Instrument