Journal: Int. J. Approx. Reasoning

Volume 38, Issue 3

215 -- 216Thomas D. Nielsen, Nevin Lianwen Zhang. Special Issue on ECSQARU-2003: The Seventh European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: Message from the Guest Editors
217 -- 243Manfred Jaeger. A representation theorem and applications to measure selection and noninformative priors
245 -- 261Serafín Moral, Antonio Salmerón. Dynamic importance sampling in Bayesian networks based on probability trees
263 -- 282Anders L. Madsen, Frank Jensen. Solving linear-quadratic conditional Gaussian influence diagrams
283 -- 309Milan Studený. Characterization of inclusion neighbourhood in terms of the essential graph
311 -- 332Tao Chen, Tomás Kocka, Nevin Lianwen Zhang. Effective dimensions of partially observed polytrees
333 -- 354Janneke H. Bolt, Linda C. van der Gaag, Silja Renooij. Introducing situational signs in qualitative probabilistic networks
355 -- 376Rolf Haenni. Using probabilistic argumentation for key validation in public-key cryptography

Volume 38, Issue 2

133 -- 147Philippe Smets. Decision making in the TBM: the necessity of the pignistic transformation
149 -- 174Hei Chan, Adnan Darwiche. A distance measure for bounding probabilistic belief change
175 -- 214Mansoor Doostfatemeh, Stefan C. Kremer. New directions in fuzzy automata

Volume 38, Issue 1

1 -- 17William W. Melek, Andrew A. Goldenberg, Mohammad Reza Emami. A fuzzy noise-rejection data partitioning algorithm
19 -- 51Audun Jøsang, David McAnally. Multiplication and comultiplication of beliefs
53 -- 80Fabio Tozeto Ramos, Fabio Gagliardi Cozman. Anytime anyspace probabilistic inference
81 -- 97Love Ekenberg, Johan Thorbiörnson, Tara Baidya. Value differences using second-order distributions
99 -- 111Ferdinando Di Martino, Salvatore Sessa, Vincenzo Loia. A fuzzy-based tool for modelization and analysis of the vulnerability of aquifers: a case study
113 -- 131Arif Suhail, Zahid A. Khan. Fuzzy control with limited control opportunities and response delay - a production-inventory control scenario