Journal: INFORMS Journal on Computing

Volume 16, Issue 4

329 -- 330Harvey J. Greenberg. From the Guest Editor for the Special Issue on Computational Molecular Biology/Bioinformatics
331 -- 340David S. H. Chew, Kwok Pui Choi, Hans Heidner, Ming-Ying Leung. Palindromes in SARS and Other Coronaviruses
341 -- 347Yonil Park, John L. Spouge. Searching for Multiple Words in a Markov Sequence
348 -- 359Giuseppe Lancia, Maria Cristina Pinotti, Romeo Rizzi. Haplotyping Populations by Pure Parsimony: Complexity of Exact and Approximation Algorithms
360 -- 370Gad Kimmel, Roded Sharan, Ron Shamir. Computational Problems in Noisy SNP and Haplotype Analysis: Block Scores, Block Identification, and Population Stratification
371 -- 379Jonathan P. K. Doye, Robert H. Leary, Marco Locatelli, Fabio Schoen. Global Optimization of Morse Clusters by Potential Energy Transformations
380 -- 392Bernard Chazelle, Carl Kingsford, Mona Singh. A Semidefinite Programming Approach to Side Chain Positioning with New Rounding Strategies
393 -- 405Rumen Andonov, Stefan Balev, Nicola Yanev. Protein Threading: From Mathematical Models to Parallel Implementations
406 -- 418Genetha Anne Gray, Tamara G. Kolda, Ken Sale, Malin M. Young. Optimizing an Empirical Scoring Function for Transmembrane Protein Structure Determination
419 -- 429Cláudio Nogueira de Meneses, Zhaosong Lu, Carlos A. S. Oliveira, Panos M. Pardalos. Optimal Solutions for the Closest-String Problem via Integer Programming
430 -- 440Winfried Just, Gianluca Della Vedova. Multiple Sequence Alignment as a Facility-Location Problem
441 -- 458Abdullah N. Arslan, Ömer Egecioglu. Dynamic Programming Based Approximation Algorithms for Sequence Alignment with Constraints
459 -- 469Dan Gusfield, Satish Eddhu, Charles H. Langley. The Fine Structure of Galls in Phylogenetic Networks
470 -- 485Courtney Stanton, J. MacGregor Smith. Steiner Trees and 3-D Macromolecular Conformation
486 -- 489W. David Kelton. Appreciation to Referees

Volume 16, Issue 3

209 -- 0W. David Kelton. From the Editor
210 -- 0. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
211 -- 231Harvey J. Greenberg, William E. Hart, Giuseppe Lancia. Opportunities for Combinatorial Optimization in Computational Biology
232 -- 240Jacek Blazewicz, Fred Glover, Marta Kasprzak. DNA Sequencing - Tabu and Scatter Search Combined
241 -- 254Sadan Kulturel-Konak, Bryan A. Norman, David W. Coit, Alice E. Smith. Exploiting Tabu Search Memory in Constrained Problems
255 -- 265John W. Chinneck. The Constraint Consensus Method for Finding Approximately Feasible Points in Nonlinear Programs
266 -- 274Barry L. Nelson, Michael R. Taaffe. The ::::Ph::t::/Ph::t::/::::infinity Queueing System: Part I - The Single Node
275 -- 283Barry L. Nelson, Michael R. Taaffe. The [::::Pht/Pht/::::infinity]:::K::: Queueing System: Part II - The Multiclass Network
284 -- 290Hui-Chin Tang, Chiang Kao. Searching for Good Multiple Recursive Random Number Generators via a Genetic Algorithm
291 -- 299K. A. Ariyawansa, Andrew J. Felt. On a New Collection of Stochastic Linear Programming Test Problems
300 -- 315Amy Nicole Langville, William J. Stewart. Testing the Nearest Kronecker Product Preconditioner on Markov Chains and Stochastic Automata Networks
316 -- 327Yves Pochet, Mathieu Van Vyve. A General Heuristic for Production Planning Problems

Volume 16, Issue 2

107 -- 0W. David Kelton. From the Editor
108 -- 0. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
109 -- 119Richard D. McBride, John W. Mamer. Implementing an LU Factorization for the Embedded Network Simplex Algorithm
120 -- 132Willem de Paepe, Jan Karel Lenstra, Jiri Sgall, René A. Sitters, Leen Stougie. Computer-Aided Complexity Classification of Dial-a-Ride Problems
133 -- 151Mutsunori Yagiura, Toshihide Ibaraki, Fred Glover. An Ejection Chain Approach for the Generalized Assignment Problem
152 -- 161John Shortle, Percy H. Brill, Martin J. Fischer, Donald Gross, Denise M. Bevilacqua Masi. An Algorithm to Compute the Waiting Time Distribution for the M/G/1 Queue
162 -- 173Jeffery L. Kennington, Karen R. Lewis. Generalized Networks: The Theory of Preprocessing and an Empirical Analysis
174 -- 187Jeffery L. Kennington, Eli V. Olinick. Wavelength Translation in WDM Networks: Optimization Models and Solution Procedures
188 -- 197Alain Billionnet, Éric Soutif. Using a Mixed Integer Programming Tool for Solving the 0-1 Quadratic Knapsack Problem
198 -- 208Francis Sourd. The Continuous Assignment Problem and Its Application to Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Scheduling with Irregular Cost Functions

Volume 16, Issue 1

1 -- 0W. David Kelton. From the Editor
2 -- 0. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
3 -- 26Eva K. Lee. Generating Cutting Planes for Mixed Integer Programming Problems in a Parallel Computing Environment
27 -- 38Zong-Zhi Lin, James C. Bean, Chelsea C. White III. A Hybrid Genetic/Optimization Algorithm for Finite-Horizon, Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes
39 -- 55Wilbert E. Wilhelm, Radu Gadidov. A Branch-and-Cut Approach for a Generic Multiple-Product, Assembly-System Design Problem
56 -- 67Alexandra Makri, Diego Klabjan. A New Pricing Scheme for Airline Crew Scheduling
68 -- 72Mihoko V. Bennett, Thomas R. Willemain. The Filtered Nearest Neighbor Method for Generating Low-Discrepancy Sequences
73 -- 83Gyana R. Parija, Shabbir Ahmed, Alan J. King. On Bridging the Gap Between Stochastic Integer Programming and MIP Solver Technologies
83 -- 94Sourour Elloumi, Martine Labbé, Yves Pochet. A New Formulation and Resolution Method for the p-Center Problem
95 -- 105Syam Menon, Ali Amiri. Scheduling Banner Advertisements on the Web