Journal: Interactions

Volume 15, Issue 3

5 -- 0Richard Anderson, Jon Kolko. Editorial: ::::Interactions::::: a new renaissance of worlds colliding
11 -- 15Hugh Dubberly, Shelley Evenson. On modeling - The experience cycle
16 -- 19Tuck Wah Leong, Steve Howard, Frank Vetere. Feature - Take a chance on me: using randomness for the design of digital devices
27 -- 29Eli Blevis, Shunying Blevis. Sustainably ours - Images of sustainable interactions: seeing with the lens of sustainability
30 -- 33Jonathan Grudin. Timelines - Travel back in time: design methods of two billionaire industrialists
35 -- 0Richard Anderson, Jon Kolko. Crossword Puzzle: Clues and solutions
36 -- 37Donald A. Norman. The way I see it - Waiting: a necessary part of life
38 -- 41Elizabeth F. Churchill. Ps and Qs - Keep your hair on: designed and emergent interactions for graphical virtual worlds
42 -- 44Allison Druin. Lifelong Interactions - Designing online interactions: what kids want and what designers know
44 -- 0Tom Chi, Kevin Cheng. OK/Cancel - Parents just don t understand
45 -- 47John Hopson. That s Entertainment - HCI impact and uncitedness
48 -- 50Steve Portigal. True Tales - The journey is the reward
52 -- 54Richard Seymour. Cover Story - Optimistic futurism
55 -- 59Scott Palmer, Sita Popat. Feature - Dancing in the streets
61 -- 66Allison Arieff, Valerie Casey. (P)review - Merging design, business, and sustainability: the designers accord
68 -- 70Zhengjie Liu, Zhiwei Guo, Kai Qian, Huiling Wei, Ning Zhang. Under Development - UCD in Chinese IT enterprises
72 -- 78David Cronin. Feature - Into the groove: lessons from the desktop music revolution
80 -- 0Richard Anderson, Jon Kolko. On the experience ecosystem, drama, choreography..