Journal: Inf. Services and Use

Volume 40, Issue 3

131 -- 156Bonnie Lawlor. A grand experiment
157 -- 160Amy Brand. Knowledge infrastructure and the role of the university
161 -- 175Tim Lloyd. Introduction to SeamlessAccess
177 -- 179John Chapman. A conversation about linked data in the library and publishing ecosystem
181 -- 191Kathryn A. Kaiser, John Chodacki, Ted Habermann, Jennifer Kemp, Laura Paglione, Michelle Urberg, T. Scott Plutchak. Metadata: The accelerant we need
193 -- 199Leslie Johnston. Challenges in preservation and archiving digital materials
201 -- 208Clifford B. Anderson. Preservation and archiving of digital media
209 -- 212Stephanie Orphan, Craig Van Dyck. Ask the preservation experts at the inaugural NISO Plus conference
213 -- 224Michelle Urberg. Digital humanities projects and standards: Let's get this conversation started!
225 -- 230Carl Grant, Chad Mairn. 3D, virtual, augmented, extended, mixed reality, and extended content forms: The technology and the challenges
231 -- 235James G. Neal. 2020 Miles Conrad award lecture: James G. Neal
237 -- 249James G. Neal, Deanna B. Marcum, Todd A. Carpenter. Miles Conrad Award 2020: A panel discussion with James Neal, Deanna Marcum, and Todd Carpenter
251 -- 253Melissa Harrison. JATS4R - working together to apply the standard standardly
255 -- 258Qiana Johnson. Privacy considerations for library and information professionals
259 -- 272Danah Boyd. Questioning the legitimacy of data
273 -- 275Sara Rouhi. Reflections on NISO plus or scholarly communications pre-COVID - how the world has changed
277 -- 287Jason Griffey, Alice Meadows, Nettie Lagace, Todd A. Carpenter. NISO Plus 2020: Outputs and next steps
289 -- 297Todd A. Carpenter. Engaging With NISO