Journal: JASIS

Volume 23, Issue 3

143 -- 149Thomas C. Lowe, David C. Roberts. Analysis of directory searching
150 -- 155A. K. Jain. Sampling in-library book use
156 -- 163Harry B. Back. What information dissemination studies imply concerning the design of on-line reference retrieval systems
164 -- 171Lorraine Borman, Benjamin Mittman. Interactive search of bibliographic data bases in an academic environment
172 -- 175Frances McMurtray, John M. Ginski. Citation patterns of the cardiovascular serial literature
176 -- 184Judith A. Douville. Technical information centers: Specialized services to science and technology. An overview
185 -- 194Hans H. Wellisch. A flow chart for indexing with a thesaurus
195 -- 219Christine A. Montgomery. Linguistics and information science
220 -- 221Beth Krevitt Eres, Belver C. Griffith. A comparison of several Zipf-type distributions in their goodness of fit to language data
222 -- 0A. Graham MacKenzie. Analytical models for library planning