Journal: JASIS

Volume 29, Issue 4

170 -- 0Charles T. Meadow. Call for papers
171 -- 172Graeme Hirst. Discipline impact factors: A method for determining core journal lists
173 -- 179Robert J. Schultheisz, Donald F. Walker, Kay L. Kannan. Design and implementation of an on-line chemical dictionary (CHEMLINE)
180 -- 186William B. Rouse, Sandra H. Rouse. The effect of parameter uncertainties on the predictions of a library network model
187 -- 190Thomas Shaughnessy. Redesigning library jobs
191 -- 199Friedrich Gebhardt, Imant Stellmacher. Opinion paper: Design criteria for documentation retrieval languages
200 -- 202T. D. C. Kuch. Relation of title length to number of authors in journal articles
202 -- 204Paul B. Kantor. A note on cumulative advantage distributions
204 -- 206Derek de Solla Price. Cumulative advantage urn games explained: A reply to kantor
207 -- 208Clara Martiner, Irving Zarember. OR NOT: The unused operator
209 -- 0Christine Dimsdale, Donald T. Hawkins. Unconventional uses of on-line retrieval systems
209 -- 210Tefko Saracevic, Charles T. Meadow. On JASIS refereeing
210 -- 211Paul A. Studer. Information science and the phenomenon of information
213 -- 214Dorothy B. Lilley. Trends in governance of libraries (library trends, Vol. 26, No. 2, Fall, 1977). Summers, William F. (Issue Editor). Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Library School; 1977: 298pp. LC 54-62638; ISSN 0024-2394. Quarterly subscription price $15.00/year. Individual issues $4.00
213 -- 0John F. Harvey. The abstract journal, 1790-1920: Origin, Development and Diffusion. Manzer, Bruce M. Metuchen, NJ, Scarecrow Press; 1977: 321 pp. Price $12.50