Journal: JASIS

Volume 42, Issue 8

545 -- 0Donald H. Kraft. An alert to the information and library science community: Arise, mes enfants! Aux armes, citoyens! (To the barricades, comrades)
546 -- 553Aiala Barr, H. S. Sichel. A bivariate model to predict library circulation
554 -- 557Morteza Anvari. A database model for medical consultation
558 -- 565Karen Sparck Jones. The role of artificial intelligence in information retrieval
566 -- 573Laurence B. Heilprin. The library community at a technological and philosophical crossroads: Necessary and sufficient conditions for survival
575 -- 577Lois F. Lunin, Clifford A. Lynch. Introduction and overview
578 -- 585Clifford A. Lynch. The technologies of electronic imaging
586 -- 588Michael K. Buckland. Information retrieval of more than text
589 -- 596Howard Besser. Imaging: Fine arts
597 -- 599Clarita S. Anderson. A user s applications of imaging techniques: The University of Maryland Historic Textile Database
600 -- 608David V. Beard. Computer human interaction for image information systems
609 -- 617William R. Nugent. Virtual reality: Advanced imaging special effects let you roam in cyberspace
618 -- 620John Romkey. Whither cyberspace?