Journal: JASIS

Volume 38, Issue 6

389 -- 404W. Bruce Croft, R. H. Thompson. 3R: A new approach to the design of document retrieval systems
405 -- 419Marshall C. Yovits, André de Korvin, Robert M. Kleyle, M. Mascarenhas. External documentation and its quantitative relationship to the internal information state of a decision maker: The information profile
420 -- 442William P. Jones, George W. Furnas. Pictures of relevance: A geometric analysis of similarity measures
443 -- 445Paul Travis Nicholls. Estimation of Zipf parameters
446 -- 447James Rice. Universities, information technology, and academic libraries: The next twenty years
446 -- 0Norman Howden. A micro handbook for small libraries and media centers, 2nd ed

Volume 38, Issue 5

319 -- 320Donald H. Kraft. Happy anniversary to the American Society for Information Science (ASIS)
321 -- 335Harold Wooster. Shining Palaces, Shifting Sands: National information systems
336 -- 337Herbert S. White. Random ruminations from the groves of academe
338 -- 366Cloyd Dake Gull. Information science and technology: From coordinate indexing to the global brain
375 -- 380Gerard Salton. The past thirty years in information retrieval
381 -- 384Frederick G. Kilgour. A personalized prehistory of OCLC
385 -- 386A. W. Elias. JASIS (American Documentation)
387 -- 0Harold Borko. Editorial on historical notes
387 -- 0Ronald E. Wyllys. Historical perspective articles

Volume 38, Issue 4

227 -- 0Danny P. Wallace. Some thoughts on book reviewing
228 -- 233Don R. Swanson. Two medical literatures that are logically but not bibliographically connected
234 -- 238N. Chandrasekharan, R. Sridhar, S. S. Iyengar. On the minimum vocabulary problem
239 -- 244Robert M. Losee. Probabilistic retrieval and coordination level matching
245 -- 254Padmini Das-Gupta. Boolean interpretation of conjunctions for document retrieval
255 -- 261Elizabeth D. Liddy, Susan Bonzi, Jeffrey Katzer, Elizabeth Oddy. A study of discourse anaphora in scientific abstracts
262 -- 268Elisabeth Logan, William M. Shaw Jr.. An investigation of the coauthor graph
269 -- 287Natasha Vleduts-Stokolov. Concept recognition in an automatic text-processing system for the life sciences
288 -- 297Leo Egghe. Pratt's measure for some bibliometric distributions and its relation with the 80/20 rule
298 -- 304Anthony Olden. Sub-Saharan Africa and the paperless society
305 -- 306Michael H. MacRoberts, Barbara R. MacRoberts. Another test of the normative theory of citing
307 -- 0Donald T. Hawkins. Online retrieval
307 -- 308Maurice B. Line. Relationship between productivity & obsolescence
307 -- 0Barbara Miller. Online information retrieval reading list
308 -- 309Susan Dingle. Author-date style of referencing
309 -- 0Charles T. Meadow. History of databases
310 -- 0Ralph Dumain. Information processes. I. Hierarchical information systems
310 -- 0Dennis Hollenberg. Rejoinder to Ralph Dumain's letter
312 -- 313Lawrence W. S. Auld. Careers in other fields for librarians: Successful strategies for finding the job
313 -- 0Richard A. V. Diener. Technologies of freedom
313 -- 0Debra C. Rollins. The story behind the word
314 -- 0F. W. Lancaster. New directions in library and information science education
314 -- 0James L. Divilbiss. Advances in human-computer interaction
315 -- 0Bert R. Boyce. Vocabulary control for information retrieval
315 -- 316Candy Schwartz. Subject and information analysis
316 -- 317Glynn Harmon. Information specialist as team player in the research process
316 -- 0Bert R. Boyce. Online information retrieval concepts, principles, and techniques

Volume 38, Issue 3

145 -- 146Donald H. Kraft. Historical notes
147 -- 151Allen Kent. Perspectives
152 -- 155Allen Kent. Cyril Cleverdon
156 -- 161Roy Goetschel Jr.. Clustering analysis for graphs with multiweighted edges: A unified approach to the threshold problem
162 -- 170Ian A. Macleod, A. R. Reuber. The Array Model: A conceptual modeling approach to document retrieval
171 -- 183Fazli Can, Esen A. Ozkarahan. Computation of term/document discrimination values by use of the cover coefficient concept
184 -- 196Susanne M. Humphrey, Nancy E. Miller. Knowledge-based indexing of the medical literature: The Indexing Aid Project
197 -- 205Edward T. O'Neill, Martin Dillon, Diane Vizine-Goetz. Class dispersion between the Library of Congress Classification and the Dewey Decimal Classification
206 -- 210Manfred Kochen. Ethics and information science
211 -- 214Paul B. Kantor. A model for the stopping behavior of users of online systems
215 -- 216Nahum Goldmann. Information science research: Where is the meat?
216 -- 0Gerard Salton. Rejoinder to Nahum Goldmann's letter
216 -- 217Hans H. Wellisch. Toward expert systems
217 -- 0Raya Fidel. Rejoinder to Hans H. Wellisch's letter
218 -- 219Katharine Phenix, Jorg R. Jemelka. Computer graphics glossary
218 -- 0Tillie Krieger. Encyclopedia of information systems and services: 1985-86. 6th ed. International volume
219 -- 0F. W. Lancaster. Electronic publishing plus: Media for a technological future
219 -- 220Arie Zvieli. Languages for automation
220 -- 0Audrey N. Grosch. Micrographics, 2nd ed
220 -- 221Kathleen M. Heim. Continuing education for the library information professions
221 -- 222James E. Rush. Technical standards: An introduction for librarians
222 -- 223Richard W. Boss. Financing information services

Volume 38, Issue 2

81 -- 82Donald H. Kraft. Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS)
83 -- 96Gautam Biswas, James C. Bezdek, Marisol Marques, Viswanath Subramanian. Knowledge-assisted document retrieval: I. The natural-language interface
97 -- 110Gautam Biswas, James C. Bezdek, Viswanath Subramanian, Marisol Marques. Knowledge-assisted document retrieval: II. The retrieval process
111 -- 117Richard Aló, André de Korvin, Robert M. Kleyle. Emergence of a dominant course of action in a general feedback loop when goal uncertainty is present
118 -- 126Henri Prade, Claudette Testemale. Fuzzy relational databases: Representational issues and reduction using similarity measures
127 -- 129Robert N. Broadus. Early approaches to bibliometrics
130 -- 132Diana Woodward. Commentary on F.W. Horton's "An Information Bill of Rights"
133 -- 137Nadia Hegazi, Nabil Ali, Ehsan Abed. Information content in textual data: Revisited for Arabic text
138 -- 141Pankaj Goyal. Implications of program properties for efficient storage and compilation
142 -- 0Allan Wittman. Regarding erratum

Volume 38, Issue 1

4 -- 12E. Gelman, H. S. Sichel. Library book circulation and the beta-binomial distribution
13 -- 20Roy Goetschel, William Voxman. Optimal clustering in graphs with weighted edges: A unified approach to the threshold problem
21 -- 22Alan F. Smeaton. Information retrieval research and ESPRIT
23 -- 24Ronald R. Yager. A note on weighted queries in information retrieval systems
25 -- 29Lois F. Lunin, Joseph P. Caponio. Introduction and overview
30 -- 33J. Timothy Sprehe. Section I. National policy for health information services. Policy on management of Federal Information Resources
34 -- 39Donald A. B. Lindberg. Section II. Health sciences libraries. National Library of Medicine: The view at 150 years
40 -- 47Raymond A. Palmer. Effect of federal programs on health sciences libraries
48 -- 51Jean A. Westler. Section III. Health information analysis centers, clearinghouses, and other special projects. Federal health information clearinghouses
52 -- 59Alfred Weissberg, Joseph F. Caponio, Lois F. Lunin. The Neurological Information Network
60 -- 64Daniel R. Masys, Susan Molloy Hubbard. Technical information programs of the National Cancer Institute
65 -- 67Darcia D. Bracken. Section IV. NTIS - GPO: Federal information disseminators. The National Technical Information Service: A federal resource for health information and services
68 -- 70Ralph E. Kennickell Jr.. The U.S. Government Printing Office - Marketing and publishing
71 -- 75Molly A. Wolfe. Section V. Public/private information providers. Evolution of contractor-supported health information activities