Journal: JASIS

Volume 41, Issue 8

547 -- 559Louis M. Gomez, Carol C. Lochbaum, Thomas K. Landauer. All the right words: Finding what you want as a function of richness of indexing vocabulary
560 -- 568MaryEllen C. Sievert. Ten years of the literature of online searching: An analysis of Online and Online Review
569 -- 580Robert M. Kleyle, André de Korvin. A belief function approach to information utilization in decision making
581 -- 589Donna Harman, Gerald Candela. Retrieving Records from a Gigabyte of Text on a Mini-Computer Using Statistical Ranking
590 -- 598Mark E. Rorvig. The simple scalability of documents
599 -- 610E. J. Yannakoudakis, F. H. Ayres, J. A. W. Huggill. Matching of citations between non-standardized databases
611 -- 612Harold Wooster. A history of information science 1945-1985
612 -- 0Ray R. Larson. Hypertext hands-on!: An introduction to a new way of organizing and accessing information
613 -- 614Fredric C. Gey, Daniel P. Dabney. Full-text against intellectual indexing controversy

Volume 41, Issue 7

469 -- 492Leo Egghe. Applications of the theory of Bradford s Law to the calculation of Leimkuhler s Law and to the completion of bibliographies
493 -- 494Lorraine M. Purgailis Parker, Robert E. Johnson. Does order of presentation affect users judgment of documents?
495 -- 500Davis B. McCarn, Craig M. Lewis. A mathematical model of retrieval system performance
501 -- 507Haseeb F. Rashid. Book availability as a performance measure of a library: An analysis of the effectiveness of a health sciences library
508 -- 534Alan J. Kent, Ron Sacks-Davis, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao. A signature file scheme based on multiple organizations for indexing very large text databases

Volume 41, Issue 6

391 -- 407Scott C. Deerwester, Susan T. Dumais, Thomas K. Landauer, George W. Furnas, Richard A. Harshman. Indexing by Latent Semantic Analysis
408 -- 417Christoph Schwarz. Automatic syntactic analysis of free text
418 -- 0Qi Quan Yang. The law of information inconservation
419 -- 426Fabian A. Ehikhamenor. Informal scientific communication in Nigerian universities
427 -- 0Terrence A. Brooks. Review of The Bibliometrics Toolbox
427 -- 0Peter B. Hirtle. Regarding Allen Veaner s letter
427 -- 0Allen B. Veaner. Re: Peter Hirtle s note on Atherton Seidell
428 -- 0Bella Hass Weinberg. Regarding Michael Buckland s article
429 -- 432Lois F. Lunin, Howard D. White. Introduction and overview
433 -- 443Katherine W. McCain. Mapping authors in intellectual space: A technical overview
444 -- 452Alan E. Bayer, John C. Smart, Gerald W. McLaughlin. Mapping intellectual structure of a scientific subfield through author cocitations
453 -- 458Mary J. Culnan, Charles A. O Reilly III, Jennifer A. Chatman. Intellectual structure of research in organizational behavior, 1972-1984: A cocitation analysis
459 -- 468William Paisley. An oasis where many trails cross: The improbable cocitation networks of a multidiscipline

Volume 41, Issue 5

313 -- 323Michael D. Gordon. Evaluating the effectiveness of information retrieval systems using simulated queries
324 -- 329S. K. Michael Wong, Yiyu Yao. A generalized binary probabilistic independence model
330 -- 333Irwin Greenberg. Optimal binary prefix-condition codes with ordinal probabilities
334 -- 341S. K. Michael Wong, Yiyu Yao. Query formulation in linear retrieval models
342 -- 347Efthimis N. Efthimiadis. The growth of the OPAC literature
348 -- 358Paul Thompson. A sensitivity analysis of a probabilistic information retrieval system
359 -- 367Robert M. Losee. Information in a data collection: Models of database and library quality
368 -- 375Abraham Bookstein. Informetric distributions, part I: Unified overview
376 -- 386Abraham Bookstein. Informetric distributions, part II: Resilience to ambiguity
387 -- 388Ye-Sho Chen, Ferdinand F. Leimkuhler. Booth s law of word frequency
389 -- 0Anthony Debons, Fred Kohun. The control revolution: Technological and economic origins of the information society
390 -- 0Manfred Kochen, Victor Janvier Bikai-Nyunai. Vision and design in education for information professionals

Volume 41, Issue 4

235 -- 237Donald H. Kraft. Reducing the backlog in JASIS even further
238 -- 244S. Nazim Ali. Databases on optical discs and their potential in developing countries
245 -- 253A. Neil Yerkey, Maryruth Glogowski. Scatter of library and information science topics among bibliographic databases
254 -- 263Elaine Svenonius, Mavis Molto. Automatic derivation of name access points in cataloging
264 -- 271Mathew B. Koll, Padmini Srinivasan. Fuzzy versus probabilistic models for user relevance judgments
272 -- 281Prudence W. Dalrymple. Retrieval by reformulation in two library catalogs: Toward a cognitive model of searching behavior
282 -- 287Usha Gupta. Obsolescence of physics literature: Exponential decrease of the density of citations to Physical Review articles with age
288 -- 297Gerard Salton, Chris Buckley. Improving retrieval performance by relevance feedback
298 -- 304Robert J. W. Tijssen, Anthony F. J. van Raan. Net citation balances: A measure of influence between scientific journals
305 -- 306Clifford A. Lynch. The linked systems project: A networking tool for libraries
306 -- 307Rita Millican. The twenty-first century; technology s impact on academic research and law libraries

Volume 41, Issue 3

157 -- 163J. S. Kidd. Measuring referencing practices
164 -- 170Quentin L. Burrell. Using the Gamma-Poisson model to predict library circulations
171 -- 182Ziad S. Nakkouzi, Caroline M. Eastman. Query formulation for handling negation in information retrieval systems
183 -- 192Terrence A. Brooks. Clustering in comprehensive bibliographies and related literatures
193 -- 196Richard E. Stern. Uncitedness in the biomedical literature
197 -- 203Ronald Rousseau. Relations between continuous versions of bibliometric laws
204 -- 209Leo Egghe. A note on different Bradford multipliers
210 -- 0Harold Borko. Expert systems for information management
210 -- 211Bert Royce. The conceptual foundations of descriptive cataloging
211 -- 212Margaret Anderson. Jesse Shera, librarianship, and information science
211 -- 0Debora Shaw. Online searching for end users: An information sourcebook
213 -- 215Lois F. Lunin, Susan Crawford. Introduction and overview
223 -- 228Susan Crawford, Loretta Stucki. Peer review and the changing research record
229 -- 230Eugene Garfield. Response to the panel on evaluation of scientific information and the impact of new information technology

Volume 41, Issue 2

79 -- 86Usha Kotamarti, Alan L. Tharp. Accelerating text searching through signature trees
87 -- 97Leslie P. Jones, Edward W. Gassie Jr., Sridhar Radhakrishnan. INDEX: The statistical basis for an automatic conceptual phrase-indexing system
98 -- 110David A. Bell, F. J. McErlean, P. M. Stewart, Sally I. McClean. Application of simulated annealing to clustering tuples in databases
111 -- 120J. D. R. de Raadt. Information transmission in viable systems
121 -- 131Susan Bonzi. Syntactic patterns in scientific sublanguages: A study of four disciplines
132 -- 146Stephen P. Harter. Search term combinations and retrieval overlap: A proposed methodology and case study
147 -- 148Audrey N. Grosch. The complete cataloging reference set - Collected manuals of the Minnesota AACR@ trainers
148 -- 0Charles D. Patterson. Education of library and information professionals: Present and future prospects
149 -- 0F. W. Lancaster. India s national library: Systematization and modernization
149 -- 150Linda Main. Effective information centers: Guidelines for MIS and IC managers
150 -- 151Bert R. Boyce. Concepts of information retrieval and automatic text processing: The transformation analysis, and retrieval of information by computer
152 -- 153Carol Tenopir. Online reference and information retrieval
153 -- 0Pat Hawthorne. Public access to government information: Issues, trends and strategies
153 -- 154Arie Tzvieli. Possibility theory: An approach to computerized processing of uncertainty
154 -- 0John R. Rumble Jr.. Data base: Structured techniques for design, performance, and management

Volume 41, Issue 1

1 -- 9Rose Mary Juliano Longo. Information transfer and the adoption of agricultural innovations
10 -- 26Edward A. Fox, Sheila G. Winett. Using vector and extended Boolean matching in an expert system for selecting foster homes
27 -- 42Michael V. Sullivan, Christine L. Borgman, Dorothy Wippern. End-users, mediated searches, and front-end assistance programs on Dialog: A comparison of learning, performance, and satisfaction
43 -- 60Myke Gluck. A review of journal coverage overlap with an extension to the definition of overlap
61 -- 66Padmini Srinivasan. On generalizing the Two-Poisson Model
67 -- 69Gordon Pratt. Communicating ideas - the crisis of publishing in a post-industrial society
69 -- 70Loriene Roy. Success in answering reference questions: Two studies
70 -- 71John P. McLain. Bibliometrics toolbox
71 -- 0Bert R. Boyce. Thesauri used in online databases, an analytic guide
72 -- 0John P. McLain. User-oriented computer languages: Analysis & design
72 -- 0Kathleen M. Heim. If you want to evaluate your library