Journal: Journal of Biomedical Informatics

Volume 33, Issue 1

1 -- 10Jacob S. Elkins, Carol Friedman, Bernadette Boden-Albala, Ralph L. Sacco, George Hripcsak. Coding Neuroradiology Reports for the Northern Manhattan Stroke Study: A Comparison of Natural Language Processing and Manual Review
11 -- 22Michael Weidenbach, Christoph Wick, Stefan Pieper, Klaus-Jürgen Quast, Thorsten Fox, Gernoth Grunst, Dierk A. Redel. Augmented Reality Simulator for Training in Two-Dimensional Echocardiography
23 -- 42Chia-Hung Hsiao, Tsair Kao. Constructing a 3-D Mesh Model for Electrical Cardiac Activity Simulation
43 -- 58Melanie T. Young, Susan M. Blanchard, Mark W. White, Eric E. Johnson, William M. Smith, Raymond E. Ideker. Using an Artificial Neural Network to Detect Activations during Ventricular Fibrillation
59 -- 74Fabio Babiloni, Filippo Carducci, Sergio Cerutti, Diego Liberati, Paolo Maria Rossini, Antonio Urbano, Claudio Babiloni. ,
75 -- 83Roch Giorgi, Joanny Gouvernet, Eric Jougla, Gilles Chatellier, Patrice Degoulet, Marius Fieschi. The Use of the Personalized Estimate of Death Probabilities for Medical Decision Making
84 -- 96Bertran Auvert, Gianluca Buonamico, Emmanuel Lagarde, Brian Williams. ,