Journal: J. Multimodal User Interfaces

Volume 6, Issue 3-4

95 -- 99Paul M. Brunet, Roddy Cowie, Dirk Heylen, Anton Nijholt, Marc Schröder. Conceptual frameworks for multimodal social signal processing
101 -- 115Paul M. Brunet, Roderick Cowie. Towards a conceptual framework of research on social signal processing
117 -- 141Stefan Scherer, Michael Glodek, Georg Layher, Martin Schels, Miriam Schmidt, Tobias Brosch, Stephan Tschechne, Friedhelm Schwenker, Heiko Neumann, Günther Palm. A generic framework for the inference of user states in human computer interaction
143 -- 161Joris H. Janssen. A three-component framework for empathic technologies to augment human interaction
163 -- 178Francesca D'Errico, Isabella Poggi, Laura Vincze. Discrediting signals. A model of social evaluation to study discrediting moves in political debates
179 -- 189Marc Mehu, Francesca D'Errico, Dirk Heylen. Conceptual analysis of social signals: the importance of clarifying terminology