Journal: JOLIS

Volume 48, Issue 4

313 -- 321Ola Pilerot. Connections between research and practice in the information literacy narrative: A mapping of the literature and some propositions
322 -- 339Maryam Nakhoda, Mohammad Reza Esmaili Givi. Expanding a change management framework for Iranian information services centers: Applying fuzzy MADM techniques
340 -- 352William H. Walters. Beyond use statistics: Recall, precision, and relevance in the assessment and management of academic libraries
353 -- 362Marc Forster. Phenomenography: A methodology for information literacy research
363 -- 372Gordana Rudic, Bojana Dimic Surla, Dragan Ivanovic. Cataloguing government documents using the MARC 21: A case study of materials from the AP Vojvodina government sessions
373 -- 381Yu Minjie, Youneng Pan, Ding Nan. Analysis of the knowledge backgrounds of library directors from top universities in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan
382 -- 388Yakup Çetin, Vivian Howard. An exploration of the relationship between undergraduate students' library book borrowing and academic achievement

Volume 48, Issue 3

223 -- 235Young Man Ko, Wonsik Shim, Soon-Hee Pyo. Factors affecting users' assessment of the economic value of university library services
236 -- 246Noraida Domínguez, Idalisse García, Jackeline Martinó, Alejandra Méndez. The school librarian as motivational agent and strategist for reading appreciation
247 -- 259Mary F. Cavanagh. Micro-blogging practices in Canadian public libraries: A national snapshot
260 -- 268Seungmin Lee. Smart divide: Paradigm shift in digital divide in South Korea
269 -- 283Janine Walker, Jo Bates. Developments in LGBTQ provision in secondary school library services since the abolition of Section 28
284 -- 297Jennifer C. Benselin, Gillian Ragsdell. Information overload: The differences that age makes
298 -- 309Umut Al, Sinan Akilli. Public libraries in Turkey: A retrospective look and the present state

Volume 48, Issue 2

111 -- 122Lynn Walker, Philip J. Calvert. 'So what made you decide to become a school librarian?' Reasons people currently working in New Zealand school libraries give for their choice of employment
123 -- 136Alireza Peyvand Robati, Byabazaire Yusuf. Coverage of the competencies required by special librarians at three different levels of Library and Information Science curricula
137 -- 150Judith Greenall, Barbara Anne Sen. Reflective practice in the library and information sector
151 -- 176Bernadette Chanetsa, Patrick Ngulube. The changing roles, responsibilities and skills of subject and learning support librarians in the Southern African Customs Union region
177 -- 190Yin Leng Theng, Elizabeth A. Lee, Samuel Kai-Wah Chu, Celina Wing Yi Lee, Monroe Man-Lung Chiu, Randolph C. H. Chan. Scaffolding in information search: Effects on less experienced searchers
191 -- 208Marta de la Mano, Claire Creaser. The impact of the Balanced Scorecard in libraries: From performance measurement to strategic management
209 -- 217Tom Evens. Creative Commons licences in cultural heritage institutions in Flanders
218 -- 219Alireza Isfandyari Moghaddam. The Complete Guide to Using Google in Libraries: Research, User Applications, and Networking, Volume 2
219 -- 220Karen Crinnion. Going Beyond Google Again: Strategies for Using and Teaching the Invisible Web

Volume 48, Issue 1

3 -- 17Andrew M. Cox, Stephen Pinfield, Jennifer Smith. Moving a brick building: UK libraries coping with research data management as a 'wicked' problem
18 -- 35Irene Lopatovska, Ellie Ransom. The state of L-Schools: Intellectual diversity and faculty composition
36 -- 46Dragan Ivanovic, Yuh-Shan Ho. Highly cited articles in the Information Science and Library Science category in Social Science Citation Index: A bibliometric analysis
47 -- 59Andrea V. Carvalho, Miguel Esteban-Navarro. Intelligence audit: Planning and assessment of organizational intelligence systems
60 -- 71Madeleine Fombad. Knowledge management in law firms in Botswana: Some lessons for small law firms
72 -- 89Zrinka Simunic, Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic, Boris Badurina. Library services for incarcerated persons: A survey of recent trends and challenges in prison libraries in Croatia
90 -- 104Samuel K. W. Chu, Wilfred W. F. Lau, Donna S. C. Chu, Celina W. Y. Lee, Leon L. H. Chan. Media awareness among Hong Kong primary students
105 -- 106Alan Bundy. Creative Management of Small Public Libraries in the 21st Century
106 -- 107Keith V. Trickey. Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums: How to Clean, Link and Publish your Metadata