Journal: Neural Computation

Volume 1, Issue 4

425 -- 464Halbert White. Learning in Artificial Neural Networks: A Statistical Perspective
465 -- 469Federico Girosi, Tomaso A. Poggio. Representation Properties of Networks: Kolmogorov's Theorem Is Irrelevant
470 -- 472Eduardo D. Sontag. Sigmoids Distinguish More Efficiently Than Heavisides
473 -- 479Charles F. Stevens. How Cortical Interconnectedness Varies with Network Size
480 -- 488Rodney J. Douglas, Kevan A. C. Martin, David Whitteridge. A Canonical Microcircuit for Neocortex
489 -- 501Andreas G. Andreou, Kwabena Boahen. Synthetic Neural Circuits Using Current-Domain Signal Representations
502 -- 510Erol Gelenbe. Random Neural Networks with Negative and Positive Signals and Product Form Solution
511 -- 521Athanasios G. Tsirukis, Gintaras V. Reklaitis, Manoel Fernando Tenorio. Nonlinear Optimization Using Generalized Hopfield Networks
522 -- 531Hyuk Lee. Discrete Synchronous Neural Algorithm for Minimization
532 -- 540E. K. Blum. Approximation of Boolean Functions by Sigmoidal Networks: Part I: XOR and Other Two-Variable Functions
541 -- 551Yann LeCun, Bernhard E. Boser, John S. Denker, Donnie Henderson, R. E. Howard, Wayne Hubbard, Lawrence D. Jackel. Backpropagation Applied to Handwritten Zip Code Recognition
552 -- 558David Zipser. A Subgrouping Strategy that Reduces Complexity and Speeds Up Learning in Recurrent Networks
559 -- 567Andreas Stolcke. Unification as Constraint Satisfaction in Structured Connectionist Networks

Volume 1, Issue 3

295 -- 311H. B. Barlow. Unsupervised Learning
312 -- 317Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa. The Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension: Information versus Complexity in Learning
318 -- 320Humbert Suarez, Christof Koch. Linking Linear Threshold Units with Quadratic Models of Motion Perception
321 -- 323Gerald Tesauro. Neurogammon Wins Computer Olympiad
324 -- 333Masud Husain, Stefan Treue, Richard A. Andersen. Surface Interpolation in Three-Dimensional Structure-from-Motion Perception
334 -- 347Alan L. Yuille, Norberto M. Grzywacz. A Winner-Take-All Mechanism Based on Presynaptic Inhibition Feedback
348 -- 358Richard Durbin, Richard Szeliski, Alan L. Yuille. An Analysis of the Elastic Net Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem
359 -- 371Christopher Miall. The Storage of Time Intervals Using Oscillating Neurons
372 -- 381Axel Cleeremans, David Servan-Schreiber, James L. McClelland. Finite State Automata and Simple Recurrent Networks
382 -- 391Gerald Tesauro, Yu He, Subutai Ahmad. Asymptotic Convergence of Backpropagation
392 -- 401Laurence T. Maloney, Albert J. Ahumada. Learning by Assertion: Two Methods for Calibrating a Linear Visual System
402 -- 411Ralph Linsker. How to Generate Ordered Maps by Maximizing the Mutual Information between Input and Output Signals
412 -- 423H. B. Barlow, T. P. Kaushal, G. J. Mitchison. Finding Minimum Entropy Codes

Volume 1, Issue 2

161 -- 172Fernando J. Pineda. Recurrent Backpropagation and the Dynamical Approach to Adaptive Neural Computation
173 -- 183Jennifer S. Altman, Jenny Kien. New Models for Motor Control
184 -- 200Christof Koch. Seeing Chips: Analog VLSI Circuits for Computer Vision
201 -- 207Eric B. Baum. A Proposal for More Powerful Learning Algorithms
208 -- 217Alex Pentland. A Possible Neural Mechanism for Computing Shape From Shading
218 -- 229Eric Mjolsness, Gene Gindi, P. Anandan. Optimization in Model Matching and Perceptual Organization
230 -- 241Thomas J. Anastasio, David A. Robinson. Distributed Parallel Processing in the Vestibulo-Oculomotor System
242 -- 252Reza Shadmehr. A Neural Model for Generation of Some Behaviors in the Fictive Scratch Reflex
253 -- 262Rodney A. Brooks. A Robot that Walks; Emergent Behaviors from a Carefully Evolved Network
263 -- 269Barak A. Pearlmutter. Learning State Space Trajectories in Recurrent Neural Networks
270 -- 280Ronald J. Williams, David Zipser. A Learning Algorithm for Continually Running Fully Recurrent Neural Networks
281 -- 294John E. Moody, Christian J. Darken. Fast Learning in Networks of Locally-Tuned Processing Units

Volume 1, Issue 1

1 -- 38Richard P. Lippmann. Review of Neural Networks for Speech Recognition
39 -- 46Alex Waibel. Modular Construction of Time-Delay Neural Networks for Speech Recognition
47 -- 57John Lazzaro, Carver A. Mead. A Silicon Model Of Auditory Localization
58 -- 67John L. Wyatt Jr., David L. Standley. Criteria for Robust Stability In A Class Of Lateral Inhibition Networks Coupled Through Resistive Grids
68 -- 81Steven W. Zucker, Allan Dobbins, Lee Iverson. Two Stages of Curve Detection Suggest Two Styles of Visual Computation
82 -- 91Alex Pentland. Part Segmentation for Object Recognition
92 -- 103H. Taichi Wang, Bimal Mathur, Christof Koch. Computing Optical Flow in the Primate Visual System
104 -- 115Alan Rojer, Eric Schwartz. A Multiple-Map Model for Pattern Classification
116 -- 122R. J. Krauzlis, Stephen G. Lisberger. A Control Systems Model of Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements with Realistic Emergent Properties
123 -- 132Antonio R. Damasio. The Brain Binds Entities and Events by Multiregional Activation from Convergence Zones
133 -- 142Richard Durbin, David E. Rumelhart. Product Units: A Computationally Powerful and Biologically Plausible Extension to Backpropagation Networks
143 -- 150Geoffrey E. Hinton. Deterministic Boltzmann Learning Performs Steepest Descent in Weight-Space
151 -- 160Eric B. Baum, David Haussler. What Size Net Gives Valid Generalization?