Journal: Oper. Res. Lett.

Volume 12, Issue 2

65 -- 71Rajeev Kohli, Ramesh Krishnamurti. A total-value greedy heuristic for the integer knapsack problem
73 -- 77Gerard Sierksma, Gert A. Tijssen. Faces with large diameter on the symmetric traveling salesman polytope
79 -- 81Fumio Ohi, Frank Proschan. Crossing properties of reliability functions
83 -- 88David P. Williamson. Analysis of the Held-Karp lower bound for the asymmetric TSP
89 -- 95Abraham P. Punnen. Traveling salesman problem under categorization
97 -- 99Tetsuya Takine, Toshiharu Hasegawa. A generalization of the decomposition property in the M/G/1 queue with server vacations
101 -- 109Diwakar Gupta. On the economic lot scheduling problem with backlogging: The common cycle approach
111 -- 115Alejandro Neme, Luis Quintas. Nash equilibrium strategies in repeated games with and without cost of implementation
117 -- 124Tsai Li-Hui. Sequencing to minimize the maximum renewal cumulative cost
125 -- 127Erwin Kalvelagen, Henk C. Tijms. ORSTAT: Software for operations research and statistics