Journal: South African Computer Journal

Volume 30, Issue 2

0 -- 0Ian D. Sanders. Publishing in Good Journals
0 -- 0Timothy Lee Son, Janet Wesson, Dieter Vogts. Designing a Natural User Interface to Support Information Sharing among Co-Located Mobile Devices
0 -- 0Philip Machanick. Editorial: Transitions
0 -- 0Tawanda Blessing Chiyangwa, Ernest Mnkandla. Agile methodology perceived success and its use: The moderating effect of perceived compatibility
0 -- 0Ronald George Leppan, Reinhardt A. Botha, Johan F. Van Niekerk. Process Model for Differentiated Instruction using Learning Analytics

Volume 30, Issue 1

0 -- 0Stefan Gruner, Andrew M. Gravell. On More or Less Appropriate Notions of 'Computation'
0 -- 0Philip Machanick. Editorial: Fit for Review
0 -- 0Marita Turpin. Assessing South African ICT4D research outputs: a journal review
0 -- 0Katherine Mary Malan, Jan H. P. Eloff, Jhani A. De Bruin. Semi-automated Usability Analysis through Eye Tracking
0 -- 0Pieter Joubert, Carina De Villiers, Jan Hendrik Kroeze. An integrative modelling technique bridging the gap between business and information systems development
0 -- 0Ivans Kigwana, H. S. Venter. A Digital Forensic Readiness Architecture for Online Examinations
0 -- 0Douglas A. Parry, Daniel B. le Roux. In-Lecture Media Use and Academic Performance: Investigating Demographic and Intentional Moderators
0 -- 0Laticha Em Walters, Richard E. Scott, Maurice Mars. Design Requirements for a Teledermatology Scale-up Framework