Journal: Social Choice and Welfare

Volume 39, Issue 1

1 -- 22Luisa Monroy, Francisco R. Fernández. Stable sets and cores for multi-criteria simple games and for their extensions
23 -- 33Itai Ashlagi, Flip Klijn. Manipulability in matching markets: conflict and coincidence of interests
35 -- 57Tibor Neugebauer, Stefan Traub. Public good and private good valuation for waiting time reduction: a laboratory study
59 -- 89Efthymios Athanasiou. Endogenous productivity and equality of opportunity
91 -- 125Bezalel Peleg, Shmuel Zamir. Extending the Condorcet Jury Theorem to a general dependent jury
127 -- 140Elchanan Mossel, Omer Tamuz. Complete characterization of functions satisfying the conditions of Arrow's theorem
141 -- 170Rosa Camps, Xavier Mora, Laia Saumell. A continuous rating method for preferential voting: the complete case
171 -- 205Carlos Alós-Ferrer, Ðura-Georg Granic. Two field experiments on Approval Voting in Germany
207 -- 251Stephen Bazen, Patrick Moyes. Elitism and stochastic dominance