Journal: Science and Engineering Ethics

Volume 16, Issue 3

479 -- 487Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara. Uncertainties
535 -- 571Byron Newberry. Katrina: Macro-Ethical Issues for Engineers
573 -- 589Bradley J. Brummel, C. K. Gunsalus, Kerri L. Anderson, Michael C. Loui. Development of Role-Play Scenarios for Teaching Responsible Conduct of Research
611 -- 628William J. Frey. Teaching Virtue: Pedagogical Implications of Moral Psychology
629 -- 630Ilse Oosterlaken. Ibo van de Poel and David E. Goldberg (eds): Philosophy and Engineering. An Emerging Agenda - Springer, The Netherlands, 2009, ISBN 978-90-481-2803-7/e-ISBN 978-90-481-2804-4