Journal: SIGMOD Record

Volume 17, Issue 4

1 -- 0Margaret H. Eich. Editor s Notes
2 -- 0David J. DeWitt. Chair s Message
3 -- 4Arie Segev. New Editor s Notes
5 -- 6. Pictures from SIGMOD 1988 and VLDB 1988
7 -- 8Fèlix Saltor. Upcoming Database Conferences/Workshops
9 -- 15. Announcements and Calls for Papers: TKDE, ER 89, VLDB 89, SIGMOD 89, DB Query Optimization 89, SIGFORTH 89, Algorithms and Data Structures 89
16 -- 21John Atkins. A Note on Minimal Covers
22 -- 30Jacques Guyot. A Process Model for Data Bases
31 -- 36Ulrich Schiel. the Problem of Identification
37 -- 55Maureen E. McLaughlin, Kathryn Bates Hill, Douglas D. Brown, Mark A. Rogers, Alissa M. Howell, Pamela P. Hatch. An Integrated Methodology and Toolset for Database Design
56 -- 61T. H. Merrett, Louis Hamel. Dynamic Multipaging in Even Less Space
62 -- 69Sang Hyuk Son. Replicated Data Management in Distributed Database Systems
70 -- 78Gottfried Vossen, Jim Yacabucci. An Extension of the Database Language SQL to Capture More Relational Concepts
79 -- 80H. W. Buff. Why Codd s Rule No. 6 Must be Reformulated