Journal: Smart Learn. Environ.

Volume 1, Issue 1

1 -- 0Marlene Scardamalia, Carl Bereiter. Smart technology for self-organizing processes
2 -- 0Jonathan Michael Spector. Conceptualizing the emerging field of smart learning environments
3 -- 0Ton de Jong, Sofoklis Sotiriou, Denis Gillet. Innovations in STEM education: the Go-Lab federation of online labs
4 -- 0Gwo-Jen Hwang. Definition, framework and research issues of smart learning environments - a context-aware ubiquitous learning perspective
5 -- 0Rob Koper. Conditions for effective smart learning environments
6 -- 0Najat Smeda, Eva Dakich, Nalin Sharda. The effectiveness of digital storytelling in the classrooms: a comprehensive study
7 -- 0Roger Hartley. Conceptualising and supporting the learning process by conceptual mapping