Journal: Scientific Programming

Volume 14, Issue 3-4

171 -- 0Adam Belloum, Ewa Deelman, Zhiming Zhao. Scientific Workflows
173 -- 184Arumugam Paventhan, Kenji Takeda, Simon J. Cox, Denis A. Nicole. Federated database services for wind tunnel experiment workflows
185 -- 194Efrat Jaeger-Frank, Christopher J. Crosby, Ashraf Memon, Viswanath Nandigam, Jeffery Conner, J. Ramon Arrowsmith, Ilkay Altintas, Chaitan Baru. A three tier architecture applied to LiDAR processing and monitoring
195 -- 208Jaspreet Singh Pahwa, Andrew C. Jones, Richard J. White, Mikhaila Burgess, W. A. Gray, N. J. Fiddian, R. O. Smith, A. R. Hardisty, Tim Sutton, Peter Brewer, Chris Yesson, Neil Caithness, Alastair Culham, Frank A. Bisby, Malcolm Scoble, Paul Williams, Shonil Bhagwat. Supporting the construction of workflows for biodiversity problem-solving accessing secure, distributed resources
209 -- 216J. D. Blower, A. B. Harrison, K. Haines. Styx Grid Services: Lightweight middleware for efficient scientific workflows
217 -- 230Jia Yu, Rajkumar Buyya. Scheduling scientific workflow applications with deadline and budget constraints using genetic algorithms
231 -- 250Ivona Brandic, Sabri Pllana, Siegfried Benkner. An approach for the high-level specification of QoS-aware grid workflows considering location affinity
251 -- 265Yunni Xia, Hanpin Wang, Yu Huang, L. Yuan. A stochastic model for workflow QoS evaluation
267 -- 268. The Art of Computer Programming, by D.E. Knuth

Volume 14, Issue 2

45 -- 59Dries Kimpe, Stefan Vandewalle, Stefaan Poedts. EVector: An efficient vector implementation - Using virtual memory for improving memory
61 -- 80André Yamba Yamba, Krister Åhlander, Malin Ljungberg. Designing for geometrical symmetry exploitation
81 -- 110Christophe Prud homme. A domain specific embedded language in C++ for automatic differentiation, projection, integration and variational formulations
111 -- 139Andrea Lani, Tiago Quintino, Dries Kimpe, Herman Deconinck, Stefan Vandewalle, Stefaan Poedts. Reusable object-oriented solutions for numerical simulation of PDEs in a high performance environment
141 -- 150A. Ibarra, Daniel Tapiador, Eduardo Huedo, Rubén S. Montero, C. Gabriel, C. Arviset, Ignacio Martín Llorente. On-the-fly XMM-Newton spacecraft data reduction on the Grid
151 -- 170Sharon Simmons, Dennis Edwards, Phil Kearns. Communication analysis of distributed programs

Volume 14, Issue 1

1 -- 11Andrew Lewis, David Abramson, Tom Peachey. RSCS: A parallel simplex algorithm for the Nimrod/O optimization toolset
13 -- 25Michel Desgagné, Ron McTaggart-Cowan, Wataru Ohfuchi, Gilbert Brunet, Peter Yau, John Gyakum, Yuki Furukawa, Michel Valin. Large atmospheric computation on the earth simulator: The LACES project
27 -- 40Damian W. I. Rouson, Xiaofeng Xu, Karla Morris. Formal constraints on memory management for composite overloaded operations
41 -- 42David H. Bailey. Accuracy and Reliability in Scientific Computing, by Bo Einarsson
43 -- 44. Software Review