Journal: Swarm Intelligence

Volume 12, Issue 4

267 -- 282Stefano Bennati. On the role of collective sensing and evolution in group formation
283 -- 305Emanuele Crosato, Li Jiang, Valentin Lecheval, Joseph T. Lizier, X. Rosalind Wang, Pierre Tichit, Guy Theraulaz, Mikhail Prokopenko. Informative and misinformative interactions in a school of fish
307 -- 326Roman Miletitch, Marco Dorigo, Vito Trianni. Balancing exploitation of renewable resources by a robot swarm
327 -- 359Inmo Jang, Hyo-Sang Shin, Antonios Tsourdos. Local information-based control for probabilistic swarm distribution guidance
361 -- 0Adrian Sosic, Abdelhak M. Zoubir, Heinz Koeppl. Correction to: Reinforcement learning in a continuum of agents