Journal: TACCESS

Volume 2, Issue 4

14 -- 0Alexandros Pino, Georgios Kouroupetroglou. ITHACA: An Open Source Framework for Building Component-Based Augmentative and Alternative Communication Applications
15 -- 0Graig Sauer, Jonathan Lazar, Harry Hochheiser, Jinjuan Feng. Towards A Universally Usable Human Interaction Proof: Evaluation of Task Completion Strategies
16 -- 0Adriane B. Randolph, Melody Moore Jackson. Assessing Fit of Nontraditional Assistive Technologies

Volume 2, Issue 3

0 -- 0Bruce N. Walker, Lisa M. Mauney. Universal Design of Auditory Graphs: A Comparison of Sonification Mappings for Visually Impaired and Sighted Listeners
0 -- 0Jinjuan Feng, Jonathan Lazar, Libby Kumin, A. Ant Ozok. Computer Usage by Children with Down Syndrome: Challenges and Future Research

Volume 2, Issue 2

0 -- 0Joshua M. Hailpern, Karrie Karahalios, James Halle, Laura DeThorne, Mary-Kelsey Coletto. A3: HCI Coding Guideline for Research Using Video Annotation to Assess Behavior of Nonverbal Subjects with Computer-Based Intervention
0 -- 0Armando Barreto, Torsten Felzer. Guest Editorial
0 -- 0Shari Trewin, Mark Laff, Vicki L. Hanson, Anna Cavender. Exploring Visual and Motor Accessibility in Navigating a Virtual World
0 -- 0Kathleen J. Price, Andrew Sears. The Development and Evaluation of Performance-Based Functional Assessment: A Methodology for the Measurement of Physical Capabilities
0 -- 0Matt Huenerfauth. A Linguistically Motivated Model for Speed and Pausing in Animations of American Sign Language

Volume 2, Issue 1

0 -- 0Scott Beach, Richard Schulz, Julie Downs, Judith Matthews, Bruce Barron, Katherine Seelman. Disability, Age, and Informational Privacy Attitudes in Quality of Life Technology Applications: Results from a National Web Survey
0 -- 0Karyn Moffatt, Joanna McGrenere. Exploring Methods to Improve Pen-Based Menu Selection for Younger and Older Adults
0 -- 0Maria Wolters, Kallirroi Georgila, Johanna D. Moore, Sarah E. MacPherson. Being Old Doesn t Mean Acting Old: How Older Users Interact with Spoken Dialog Systems
0 -- 0Sara J. Czaja, Peter Gregor, Vicki L. Hanson. Introduction to the Special Issue on Aging and Information Technology
0 -- 0Doreen Struve, Hartmut Wandke. Video Modeling for Training Older Adults to Use New Technologies