Journal: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

Volume 47, Issue 8

2089 -- 2099Ronald A. Iltis. Density function approximation using reduced sufficient statistics for joint estimation of linear and nonlinear parameters
2100 -- 2111Rick S. Blum, Richard J. Kozick, Brian M. Sadler. An adaptive spatial diversity receiver for non-Gaussian interference and noise
2112 -- 2127Chunming Han, Peter K. Willett, Douglas A. Abraham. Some methods to evaluate the performance of Page's test as used to detect transient signals
2128 -- 2138David Astély, A. Lee Swindlehurst, Björn E. Ottersten. Spatial signature estimation for uniform linear arrays with unknown receiver gains and phases
2139 -- 2156Andrew Logothetis, Vikram Krishnamurthy. Expectation maximization algorithms for MAP estimation of jump Markov linear systems
2157 -- 2166Jamie S. Evans, Vikram Krishnamurthy. Hidden Markov model state estimation with randomly delayed observations
2167 -- 2180Joseph M. Francos. The evanescent field transform for estimating the parameters of homogeneous random fields with mixed spectral distributions
2181 -- 2190Joseph Tabrikian, Gidon S. Fostick, Hagit Messer. Detection of environmental mismatch in a shallow water waveguide
2191 -- 2199Adel Belouchrani, Moeness G. Amin. A two-sensor array blind beamformer for direct sequence spread spectrum communications
2200 -- 2210Eweda Eweda. Transient and tracking performance bounds of the sign-sign algorithm
2211 -- 2219Wen-Liang Hwang. Estimation of fractional Brownian motion embedded in a noisy environment using nonorthogonal wavelets
2220 -- 2227Karim Drouiche, Djalil Kateb. New filter banks and more regular wavelets
2228 -- 2240Chong-Yung Chi. Fourier series based nonminimum phase model for statistical signal processing
2241 -- 2252Eric Moreau, Nadège Thirion-Moreau. Nonsymmetrical contrasts for sources separation
2253 -- 2261Huanshui Zhang, Lihua Xie, Yeng Chai Soh. Optimal and self-tuning deconvolution in time domain
2262 -- 2272Sudhakar Kalluri, Gonzalo R. Arce. A general class of nonlinear normalized adaptive filtering algorithms
2273 -- 2278Eli Brookner. Equivalence between voltage-processing methods and discrete orthogonal Legendre polynomial (DOLP) approach
2279 -- 2285H. H. Yang. Serial updating rule for blind separation derived from the method of scoring
2286 -- 2292Carlos E. de Souza, Uri Shaked. 2 filtering for uncertain systems with measurable inputs
2293 -- 2304Riccardo Bernardini, Jelena Kovacevic. Arbitrary tilings of the time-frequency plane using local bases
2305 -- 2308Alex B. Gershman, Martin Haardt. Improving the performance of Unitary ESPRIT via pseudo-noise resampling
2309 -- 2313Alberto Carini, Enzo Mumolo. A numerically stable fast RLS algorithm for adaptive filtering and prediction based on the UD factorization
2313 -- 2317R. Sundaram. Algorithms for adaptive transform edge detection
2317 -- 2321George-Othon Glentis. On the duality between the fast transversal and the fast QRD adaptive least squares algorithms
2321 -- 2324Javier Sanchez-Araujo, Sylvie Marcos. An efficient PASTd-algorithm implementation for multiple direction of arrival tracking
2324 -- 2328Konrad Reif, Rolf Unbehauen. The extended Kalman filter as an exponential observer for nonlinear systems
2328 -- 2332Luc Knockaert, Frank Olyslager. Modified B-splines for the sampling of bandlimited functions
2332 -- 2335Augustus J. E. M. Janssen, Ton Kalker. A note on Unser-Zeruhia generalized sampling theory applied to the linear interpolator
2335 -- 2339Syed I. Shah, Luis F. Chaparro, Amro El-Jaroudi. Generalized transfer function estimation using evolutionary spectral deblurring