Journal: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Volume 10, Issue 10

1 -- 11Mònica Navarro, Montse Nájar. Frequency Domain Joint TOA and DOA Estimation in IR-UWB
3121 -- 3126Nicola Moret, Andrea M. Tonello. Performance of Filter Bank Modulation with Phase Noise
3127 -- 3132Yinghao Qi, Bo Wang, Mengtian Rong, Tao Liu. Comments on "Theoretical Analysis of a MAP Based Blind Frame Synchronizer"
3133 -- 3138Sanguk Sagong, Jemin Lee, Daesik Hong. Capacity of Reactive DF Scheme in Cognitive Relay Networks
3139 -- 3144Kyoung-Jae Lee, Inkyu Lee. MMSE Based Block Diagonalization for Cognitive Radio MIMO Broadcast Channels
3145 -- 3150Benjamin R. Hamilton, Xiaoli Ma, John E. Kleider, Robert J. Baxley. OFDM Pilot Design for Channel Estimation with Null Edge Subcarriers
3151 -- 3157Chia-Ching Lin, Wei-Chang Chen, Char-Dir Chung. Spectral Sidelobe Decaying Property of Walsh-Hadamard Code in MC-CDMA Systems
3158 -- 3162Natalia Y. Ermolova, Olav Tirkkonen. Bivariate η-μ Fading Distribution with Application to Analysis of Diversity Systems
3163 -- 3167Eonpyo Hong, Dongsoo Har. Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction for MISO OFDM Systems with Adaptive All-Pass Filters
3168 -- 3173Jung-Lang Yu, Da-You Hong. A Novel Subspace Channel Estimation with Fast Convergence for ZP-OFDM Systems
3185 -- 3195Yang Liu, Loïc Brunel, Joseph Jean Boutros. EM-Based Channel Estimation for Coded Multi-Carrier Transmissions
3196 -- 3210Redha M. Radaydeh, Mohamed-Slim Alouini. Adaptive Single-Antenna Transmit Selection with Interference Suppression
3211 -- 3221Josep Miquel Jornet, Ian F. Akyildiz. Channel Modeling and Capacity Analysis for Electromagnetic Wireless Nanonetworks in the Terahertz Band
3222 -- 3231Zhi Sun, Ian F. Akyildiz. A Mode-Based Approach for Channel Modeling in Underground Tunnels under the Impact of Vehicular Traffic Flow
3232 -- 3240Yuxing Han, Jiangtao Wen, Danijela Cabric, John D. Villasenor. Probabilistic Estimation of the Number of Frequency-Hopping Transmitters
3241 -- 3255Tariq M. Ali, Mohammad Saquib. Performance Evaluation of WLAN/Cellular Media Access for Mobile Voice Users under Random Mobility Models
3256 -- 3266Emad Felemban, Eylem Ekici. Single Hop IEEE 802.11 DCF Analysis Revisited: Accurate Modeling of Channel Access Delay and Throughput for Saturated and Unsaturated Traffic Cases
3267 -- 3277Osama Bazan, Muhammad Jaseemuddin. A Conflict Analysis Framework for QoS-Aware Routing in Contention-Based Wireless Mesh Networks with Beamforming Antennas
3278 -- 3287A. Shojaeifard, Farhad Zarringhalam, Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei. Joint Physical Layer and Data Link Layer Optimization of CDMA-Based Networks
3288 -- 3297Michel Nahas, Ahmed Saadani, Ghaya Rekaya-Ben Othman. Bounded Delay-Tolerant Space Time Block Codes for Asynchronous Cooperative Networks
3298 -- 3309Xiaohu Ge, Kun Huang, Cheng-Xiang Wang, Xuemin Hong, Xi Yang. Capacity Analysis of a Multi-Cell Multi-Antenna Cooperative Cellular Network with Co-Channel Interference
3310 -- 3320Birendra Ghimire, Gunther Auer, Harald Haas. Busy Burst Enabled Coordinated Multipoint Network with Decentralized Control
3321 -- 3331Yasir Karisan, Davide Dardari, Sinan Gezici, Antonio A. D'Amico, Umberto Mengali. Range Estimation in Multicarrier Systems in the Presence of Interference: Performance Limits and Optimal Signal Design
3332 -- 3342Hu Jin, Bang Chul Jung, Dan Keun Sung. A Tradeoff Between Single-User and Multi-User MIMO Schemes in Multi-Rate Uplink WLANs
3343 -- 3353Behrouz Maham, Petar Popovski, Xiangyun Zhou, Are Hjørungnes. Cognitive Multiple Access Network with Outage Margin in the Primary System
3354 -- 3367Jae Won Kang, Younghoon Whang, Hyung Yeol Lee, Kwang Soon Kim. Optimal Pilot Sequence Design for Multi-Cell MIMO-OFDM Systems
3368 -- 3379Hyungsik Ju, Xiaohu Shang, H. Vincent Poor, Daesik Hong. Bi-Directional Use of Spatial Resources and Effects of Spatial Correlation
3380 -- 3391Sun Sun, Yindi Jing. Channel Training Design in Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Networks
3392 -- 3402Angela Sara Cacciapuoti, Marcello Caleffi, Domenico Izzo, Luigi Paura. Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Techniques with Temporal Dispersive Reporting Channels
3403 -- 3413Jun Wang 0007, Paulo Urriza, Yuxing Han, Danijela Cabric. Weighted Centroid Localization Algorithm: Theoretical Analysis and Distributed Implementation
3414 -- 3425Satish C. Jha, Umesh Phuyal, Mohammad M. Rashid, Vijay K. Bhargava. Design of OMC-MAC: An Opportunistic Multi-Channel MAC with QoS Provisioning for Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks
3426 -- 3435Jun Zhang 0007, Li Fei, Qiang Gao, Xiao-Hong Peng. Energy-Efficient Multihop Cooperative MISO Transmission with Optimal Hop Distance in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
3436 -- 3448Sushruth N. Donthi, Neelesh B. Mehta. An Accurate Model for EESM and its Application to Analysis of CQI Feedback Schemes and Scheduling in LTE
3449 -- 3459Minghua Xia, Chengwen Xing, Yik-Chung Wu, Sonia Aïssa. Exact Performance Analysis of Dual-Hop Semi-Blind AF Relaying over Arbitrary Nakagami-m Fading Channels
3460 -- 3471Chen Wang, Hongyang Chen, Qinye Yin, Ang Feng, Andreas F. Molisch. Multi-User Two-Way Relay Networks with Distributed Beamforming
3472 -- 3481Daojing He, Jiajun Bu, Sencun Zhu, Sammy Chan, Chun Chen. Distributed Access Control with Privacy Support in Wireless Sensor Networks
3482 -- 3495Nader Mokari, Keivan Navaie, Mohammad G. Khoshkholgh. Downlink Radio Resource Allocation in OFDMA Spectrum Sharing Environment with Partial Channel State Information
3496 -- 3505Hui Zhou, Pingyi Fan, Dongning Guo. Joint Channel Probing and Proportional Fair Scheduling in Wireless Networks
3506 -- 3515Seung-Jun Kim, Guobing Li, Georgios B. Giannakis. Multi-Band Cognitive Radio Spectrum Sensing for Quality-of-Service Traffic
3516 -- 3527Virag Shah, Neelesh B. Mehta, Dilip Bethanabhotla. Performance of a Fast, Distributed Multiple Access Based Relay Selection Algorithm Under Imperfect Statistical Knowledge
3528 -- 3540Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Ernest S. Lo, Robert Schober. Secure Resource Allocation and Scheduling for OFDMA Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks
3541 -- 3551Emiliano Dall'Anese, Seung-Jun Kim, Georgios B. Giannakis, Silvano Pupolin. Power Control for Cognitive Radio Networks Under Channel Uncertainty