Journal: User Model. User-Adapt. Interact.

Volume 6, Issue 2-3

87 -- 129Peter Brusilovsky. Methods and Techniques of Adaptive Hypermedia
131 -- 156Hubertus Hohl, Heinz-Dieter Böcker, Rul Gunzenhäuser. Hypadapter: An Adaptive Hypertext System for Exploratory Learning and Programming
157 -- 184Kristina Höök, Jussi Karlgren, Annika Wærn, Nils Dahlbäck, Carl Gustaf Jansson, Klas Karlgren, Benoît Lemaire. A Glass Box Approach to Adaptive Hypermedia
185 -- 223Julita Vassileva. A Task-Centered Approach for User Modeling in a Hypermedia Office Documentation System
225 -- 261Nathalie Mathe, James R. Chen. User-Centered Indexing for Adaptive Information Access