Atsushi Inoue's Profile

About Atsushi Inoue

Dr. Atsushi Inoue, born and raised in Kyoto, Japan, started his IT career in 1990 as an information control research scientist at Hitachi Ltd, Tokyo Japan. He was responsible for research and development, patent strategies, academic outreach, and M&A consultation in Engineering Information Systems such as CAD/CAM/CAE and PDM/PLM. He had a dual appointment as a senior research scientist at the Laboratory for International Fuzzy Engineering (LIFE), a part of the Japanese initiative for the next generation Artificial Intelligence (aka the Fifth Generation Computing), and was in charge of the Fuzzy Natural Language Communication System. He was invited and moved to the US in 1996 for his advanced study on Perceptual Information Processing, a novel concept of Soft Computing and for its venture in E-Commerce online services.

He joined EWU in 2002. To date, he has lectured on many advanced topics, such as Fuzzy Sets and Logic, Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Networks, Information Security, Software Engineering, Database, and Theory of Computing. He has also been affiliated with globally recognized institutes such as UC Berkeley and CMU in the US, and LIP6 in France for his specialties. He has over 90 peer-reviewed and invited publications in English and Japanese, and has been invited for presentations and lectures in several countries. He holds several editorships of international academic journals, and is active in organizing international conferences, seminars and workshops. His current interests are Intelligent Informatics (especially in Security, Health Information and E-Learning) and Human-Centric Computing using Fuzzy Sets and Logic.


2002 - : Easntern Washington University

Recent Publications
