Abstract is missing.
- Matching Deformable Objects in ClutterLuca Cosmo, Emanuele Rodolà, Jonathan Masci, Andrea Torsello, Michael M. Bronstein. 1-10 [doi]
- Progressive 3D Modeling All the WayAlex Locher, Michal Havlena, Luc Van Gool. 11-18 [doi]
- A Hybrid Structure/Trajectory Constraint for Visual SLAMAngelique Loesch, Steve Bourgeois, Vincent Gay-Bellile, Michel Dhome. 19-27 [doi]
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- A Large-Scale 3D Object Recognition DatasetThomas Sølund, Anders Glent Buch, Norbert Krüger, Henrik Aanæs. 73-82 [doi]
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- A Depth Restoration Occlusionless Temporal DatasetDaniel Rotman, Guy Gilboa. 176-184 [doi]
- Computing Temporal Alignments of Human Motion Sequences in Wide Clothing Using Geodesic PatchesAurela Shehu, Jinlong Yang, Jean-Sébastien Franco, Franck Hétroy-Wheeler, Stefanie Wuhrer. 185-193 [doi]
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- Exemplar-Based 3D Shape Segmentation in Point CloudsRongqi Qiu, Ulrich Neumann. 203-211 [doi]
- Optical Flow for Rigid Multi-Motion ScenesTomas Gerlich, Jakob Eriksson. 212-220 [doi]
- Absolute Pose and Structure from Motion for Surfaces of Revolution: Minimal Problems Using Apparent ContoursCody J. Phillips, Kostas Daniilidis. 221-229 [doi]
- Large Scale SfM with the Distributed Camera ModelChris Sweeney, Victor Fragoso, Tobias Höllerer, Matthew Turk. 230-238 [doi]
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- Depth from Gradients in Dense Light Fields for Object ReconstructionKaan Yücer, Changil Kim, Alexander Sorkine-Hornung, Olga Sorkine-Hornung. 249-257 [doi]
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- 3D Saliency for Finding Landmark BuildingsNikolay Kobyshev, Hayko Riemenschneider, András Bódis-Szomorú, Luc Van Gool. 267-275 [doi]
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- Automatic 3D Car Model Alignment for Mixed Image-Based RenderingRodrigo Ortiz Cayon, Abdelaziz Djelouah, Francisco Massa, Mathieu Aubry, George Drettakis. 286-295 [doi]
- Structure from Category: A Generic and Prior-Less ApproachChen Kong, Rui Zhu, Hamed Kiani, Simon Lucey. 296-304 [doi]
- Radiometric Scene Decomposition: Scene Reflectance, Illumination, and Geometry from RGB-D ImagesStephen Lombardi, Ko Nishino. 305-313 [doi]
- HDRFusion: HDR SLAM Using a Low-Cost Auto-Exposure RGB-D SensorShuda Li, Ankur Handa, Yang Zhang, Andrew Calway. 314-322 [doi]
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- Cotemporal Multi-View Video SegmentationAbdelaziz Djelouah, Jean-Sébastien Franco, Edmond Boyer, Patrick Pérez, George Drettakis. 360-369 [doi]
- Video Depth-from-DefocusHyeongwoo Kim, Christian Richardt, Christian Theobalt. 370-379 [doi]
- A Closed-Form Bayesian Fusion Equation Using Occupancy ProbabilitiesCharles T. Loop, Qin Cai, Sergio Orts-Escolano, Philip A. Chou. 380-388 [doi]
- Robust Tracking in Low Light and Sudden Illumination ChangesHatem Alismail, Brett Browning, Simon Lucey. 389-398 [doi]
- Coupled Functional MapsDavide Eynard, Emanuele Rodolà, Klaus Glashoff, Michael M. Bronstein. 399-407 [doi]
- Single View 3D Reconstruction under an Uncalibrated Camera and an Unknown Mirror SphereKai Han, Kwan-Yee K. Wong, Xiao Tan. 408-416 [doi]
- CNN-Based Object Segmentation in Urban LIDAR with Missing PointsAllan Zelener, Ioannis Stamos. 417-425 [doi]
- Multiview RGB-D Dataset for Object Instance DetectionGeorgios Georgakis, Md. Alimoor Reza, Arsalan Mousavian, Phi-Hung Le, Jana Kosecka. 426-434 [doi]
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- Robust Real-Time 3D Face Tracking from RGBD Videos under Extreme Pose, Depth, and Expression VariationHai Xuan Pham, Vladimir Pavlovic. 441-449 [doi]
- Real-Time Halfway Domain Reconstruction of Motion and GeometryLucas Thies, Michael Zollhöfer, Christian Richardt, Christian Theobalt, Günther Greiner. 450-459 [doi]
- 3D Face Reconstruction by Learning from Synthetic DataElad Richardson, Matan Sela, Ron Kimmel. 460-469 [doi]
- Shape Analysis with Anisotropic Windowed Fourier TransformSimone Melzi, Emanuele Rodolà, Umberto Castellani, Michael M. Bronstein. 470-478 [doi]
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- Learning a General-Purpose Confidence Measure Based on O(1) Features and a Smarter Aggregation Strategy for Semi Global MatchingMatteo Poggi, Stefano Mattoccia. 509-518 [doi]
- Room Layout Estimation with Object and Material Attributes Information Using a Spherical CameraHansung Kim, Teofilo de Campos, Adrian Hilton. 519-527 [doi]
- Regularized 3D Modeling from Noisy Building ReconstructionsThomas Holzmann, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Horst Bischof. 528-536 [doi]
- Detecting and Correcting Shadows in Urban Point Clouds and Image CollectionsM. Guislain, Julie Digne, Raphaëlle Chaine, D. Kudelski, P. Lefebvre-Albaret. 537-545 [doi]
- Camera Motion from Group SynchronizationFederica Arrigoni, Andrea Fusiello, Beatrice Rossi. 546-555 [doi]
- X-Tag: A Fiducial Tag for Flexible and Accurate Bundle AdjustmentTolga Birdal, Ievgeniia Dobryden, Slobodan Ilic. 556-564 [doi]
- V-Net: Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Volumetric Medical Image SegmentationFausto Milletari, Nassir Navab, Seyed-Ahmad Ahmadi. 565-571 [doi]
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- Discriminative Filters for Depth from DefocusFahim Mannan, Michael S. Langer. 592-600 [doi]
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- Joint Semantic Segmentation and Depth Estimation with Deep Convolutional NetworksArsalan Mousavian, Hamed Pirsiavash, Jana Kosecka. 611-619 [doi]
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- Synthetic Prior Design for Real-Time Face TrackingSteven McDonagh, Martin Klaudiny, Derek Bradley, Thabo Beeler, Iain A. Matthews, Kenny Mitchell. 639-648 [doi]
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- Fast Single Shot Detection and Pose EstimationPatrick Poirson, Phil Ammirato, Cheng-Yang Fu, Wei Liu, Jana Kosecka, Alexander C. Berg. 676-684 [doi]
- Learning Camera Viewpoint Using CNN to Improve 3D Body Pose EstimationMona Fathollahi Ghezelghieh, Rangachar Kasturi, Sudeep Sarkar. 685-693 [doi]